So I'm just super pissed atm. I'm normally a big" don't blame others, if your not having success it's your fault but i honestly can't believe many of my issues in competitive are due to me being a sub gold level player...
One game this kid decides to choose Mercy so i figure" OK let someone else play mercy for once" He totally fails, we lose our round 1 with them having 5mins left as none gets heals. So for Round 2 attack i SAy "I'm playing Mercy" we complete attack it with a min left despite lots of feeding and stupidity.
In Overtime we nearly take the first point in our one min time frame, but just barely fail . SO we have to defend nearly 7 minds on point 1... Amazing we hold out for 5+ mins, I at last convinced the kid to switch to bastion. Sadly a perfect DVA throw kills Mercy ((me ) despite me being 60km up in the air and away somehow (Yes,
NExt game. one our players laves after we win a 100/99 ponit control win round. OFC we lose the game
Now this guy... we were having a real hard time stopping shit on Junkertown till near the end... The Beric (the one playing bastion in vids) guy after the match declares em the worse Mercy ever.. Worse Haaler, rezed none.. Keep I'm mind i kept telling him to move up as Bastion and he only started playing him in the final minutes',
WE held out those final nearly 4 mins at that point and won, in large part due to em finally getting to swap to bastion... and ofc Mercy healing/rezings
Am I the worse mercy ever? you guys be the judge...
Sorry about the very low quality but you guys can
Overwatch 02 11 2018 11 02 40 551
Overwatch 02 11 2018 10 11 47 173
Now it don't think these include all my rezes as i rezed Bastion once, Lucio twice and Oriisa 3 times.. and lastly VA once. And these were all during the last final stand at the end of the map...
Any comments/critiques would be welcome, I'm really sorry about the quality. If anyone knows a good way to record footage from OW thatd be amazing.
Edit; Watching the vis i actually rezed the complainer bastion twice, and even dmg boosted his ultimate and got 2 kills of it...