
  • Guest, it's time once again for the massively important and exciting FoH Asshat Tournament!

    Go here and give us your nominations!
    Who's been the biggest Asshat in the last year? Give us your worst ones!


Golden Knight of the Realm
Theres an influx of smurfs already. Every single game I played tonight had masters+ players smurfing in each game I played, on the usual heroes genji/mccree, and now doomfists with 70%+ winratios are making an appearance.

I also turned voice/chat on for a while. This game is so fucking mean spirited, every loss you're just waiting for someone to call everyone else shit, the usual tanks with their I HAVE GOLD ELIMS herp derp. Chat is just the worst. Out of the 10 games or so I played, only one single call actually helped accross the whole games I played, to call out a flanking tracer. Every other comms were just complete shit with people sighing heavily, asking for really stupid swaps, constant negativity, and just being awful to everyone else. Eugh


Molten Core Raider
i just got done playing in gold for a few hours didnt see any smuirf's. Had some fun games, and some not so fun games. Its just random if you get a smurf or not, but even then, they cant do all the work,, they have to have a half ass competent team.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Bunch of fucking retards in Comp tonight. Teams with 1 tank and I'm one of the two healers if I switch to tank I get no heals, so aggravating. I swear people in Silver have a better grasp on team compositions than plebs in Gold.
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Blackwing Lair Raider
Youre better off just muting all of team chat at silver. People will scream out for rezzes and have no idea if its actually SAFE to be rezzed or whatever. Then they get tilted if you don't rez, or rez and die, then you get tilted, etc. I realise you're silver so sorry but one thing I notice when Im smurfing is that people in silver just have no gamesense whatsoever and are really poor about what is carrying the team/why team comps aren't working etc. So really, you didn't need to post like 5 videos just cause some random silver called you a bad mercy, its what people do when they lose.

If you do want to climb though you're probably better picking zen so that your team mates can actually kill something. I don't think mercy is much more of a throughput enabler now after nerfs (she doesn't have huge game winning abilities any more). Like with mercy at the minute you're sort of limited by your team mates capabilities. If your team mates just get picked halfway accross the map, or trickle, or can't kill anything, some extra throughput generally won't help that. Plus you miss a big healing cd ultimate to counter things like soldier/genji/zarya ultis.

Ahh well I've sort of made it my rule to only play with my friends. Had a couple good days in a row single loss was a DC and even that was nearly won. Finally seem to be getting into something a groove with winning.

You guys are right that mercy can't carry obviously, but the issue is i let some random kid play Mercy in round 1 opposing team immediately steam rolls us as we get no heals and they finish with 7 mins left. We switch him to DPS with me as Mercy and finish with a minute left but were only able to hold the first point for 5 of the nearly 7 minutes they had. My point being i'm worried if i let others heal we are just going to get destroyed especially on defense.


<Bronze Donator>
its funny this time last year was about when i stopped playing, gettin feeling too. so many throwers at night


Golden Knight of the Realm
Bunch of fucking retards in Comp tonight. Teams with 1 tank and I'm one of the two healers if I switch to tank I get no heals, so aggravating. I swear people in Silver have a better grasp on team compositions than plebs in Gold.

PLayed with a 5 stack who always ran 3 dps, meaning that the possibility of a balanced team comp is impossible. Also picked Ana. I swear people just set out to lose on purpose


The Wokest
<Prior Amod>
It doesn't change much from Silver to Plat in the team comp shit. Not every game needs a 2/2/2 split but way to often you get stuck with morons who insta lock dps then beg for support.

I will second that Moria is a solid choice to climb in solo play and can put out a deceptive amount of healing. What drives me nuts though is when playing a healer keeping your trash auto lock deeps alive and they can't even lock in kills.

It also baffles me the number of times they will straight avoid targeting the enemy healer and instead will drop their loads on a rein or orisa shield. Way to many times as Moria do I have to dive their mercy drop the cunt then turn around and heal and clean up so my retard deeps can accomplish something. Of course you get members who bitch if you even throw out anything but the healing orb.


Blackwing Lair Raider
It doesn't change much from Silver to Plat in the team comp shit. Not every game needs a 2/2/2 split but way to often you get stuck with morons who insta lock dps then beg for support.

I will second that Moria is a solid choice to climb in solo play and can put out a deceptive amount of healing. What drives me nuts though is when playing a healer keeping your trash auto lock deeps alive and they can't even lock in kills.

It also baffles me the number of times they will straight avoid targeting the enemy healer and instead will drop their loads on a rein or orisa shield. Way to many times as Moria do I have to dive their mercy drop the cunt then turn around and heal and clean up so my retard deeps can accomplish something. Of course you get members who bitch if you even throw out anything but the healing orb.

2/2/2 isin't always perfect. We usually only use Mercy and no other heals for attack if we did well enough on defense we only need to smash and grab a grab a point or if the other team does not seem to have strong healing we need to match. Especially at Silver-Gold i find teams play to defensive on defense and just allow mercy to hang back and heal/rez.

The Moiria + Mercy combo for support is really, really strong to the point my teams use it in basically every match we want 2 supports. You have the potential to heal an insane amount of dmg and can often hold even if Mercy gets assassinated early in a fight. Part of the reason you might find yourself using her to kill Mercy is she is actually pretty damn good at it. I still disagree you can "carry" yourself with Moiria. I had 4 golds + a silver in dmg the other day on her and we lost because my team was godawful.
Only way I'd say you can really "carry" yourself it seems to me as a really strong DPS/some tanks and even then you still require at least competent supports which can be surprisingly sketchy, particularly as Mercy is played far less now to the point i don't the see the opposing team using her more often then not.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Not really a fps player and a bit late to the party but got this last night on the pc after playing a few games on my sons Xbox.

I like playing the healing heroes more as my aim is not great at all. I like the guy with the Orbs his damage is great and orbs kinda heal themself I get gold medal with him all the time (if that is a good thing or not). What is the best healing class to play for a new low skilled player? I tried mercy and enjoyed her but then come up against a level 90 player playing one in a quick match last night and soon realised I don't think I am playing her right. I healed a lot but seeing them fly around all over the place while I was hiding behind walls rung a few alarm bells.

Any general tips for a new player?


Blackwing Lair Raider
A lot of people seem to think it's best not to play support when your new. I see the logic in this but the thing is i was able to easily make lots of friends to play with doing this as support is always needed and imo it's easier to win with a single terrible DPS, but a single awful support often will mean defeat. Still, give some DPS a try just so you have some versatility. Soldier 76 is a great beginner DPS as he has a great healing AoE field thing that can compensate for having crappier aim in many fights. The whole "support requires no aim" meme is a bit a joke imo as you absolutely do need good aim to heal the correct people. It's especially relevant with Moiria's orbs and heal.

Moiria is the one with orbs. She is really strong as most of us here agree. I started fairly recently and she was initially my favorite hero. The thing is you need a good team coordination to make the most of her.. Her healing is AoE and has a limited use meter that you either need to do damage to recharge or wait a good amount of time, It's theoretically the strongest healing the game however, thing is you need fairly good aim and disciplined teammates to use it best as especially in QP people tend to panic or just go off on their own and get killed. My advice would be to play her a lot and learn when/where to use the orbs and where to attack with your right click.

Mercy is the Hero i play most often in competitive play, A few weeks ago she was basically required for any team but she got nerfed hard. As for the flying around thing, it really depends on team comp, map, coordination ect...having a Pharah on your team helps immensely to keep airborne. My advice would be to get used to using Guardian angel a lot and burn your ult when you see the opportunity. Personally i think your better off playing aggressive at first and learning when not to try and save/rez someone. But hiding around corners/walls is a legit tactic also and i can't say much beyond keep playing and you'll learn when to risk flying out to save people and when to hang back behind walls/barriers or pocket someone. Remember your damage boost is useful also, in some situations like on a bastion in point defense or flying around with a Pharah it can be very deadly. Also keep in mind the blaster actually does surprisingly nice damage and you can absolutely kill many heros in 1v1 or pick off opposing healers/dps/idiots who have dived your team alone.

Lucio is the last of the support i would really call a main healerish guy as Zenyatta (monk guy) is better as a 2nd healer imo. He can rack up total healing that can often rival mercy but the issue is it's not targeted so you won't be able to say keep up that DVA or someone else from sustained barrage over long periods of time. If you choose to try him one thing i would remember is his movement it very different then Moiria and Mercy so i often find it a bit awkward switching to/from him as it requires getting used to and a decent amount of practice to best use his wall ride ect.. In CTF or a couple specific maps where environmental kills are common he is very strong.

My preference right now is for my team to have Moiria + mercy unless we are playing very aggressive then a single healer is fine.

if you wanna give your account name I'll add you i should be flaying a fair amount the next few days.


Golden Knight of the Realm
mercy/lucio are probably the easiest heroes for new players to have an impact on
With mercy your positioning is key as she's quite likely to get focused so you use your ability to fly away from danger etc. Main thing with mercy is to use dps beam when no-one is taking damage and you don't forsee any burst coming in

zen is probably the strongest healer, but he needs a decent enough aim and good positioning / ult management since he's so squishy

as for tips:

If you lose a few people its much better to just suicide right away if you aren't stalling a point, fucking about just staggers your next push and gives their team ulti charge
Try not to trickle in either, push as a unit
Learn management of ultimates
Healing is really powerful in this game and optimal set up is to run two tanks (usually one with a shield for nearly all maps), two healers, and the rest dps.
I'm a big advocate of muting voice chat/team chat, but its personal preference there I guess

If you want to branch out soldier is most like dps in other fps games, has very high self sustain and a very powerful ultimate ability. He's pretty hard not to have an impact on


Lord Nagafen Raider
Good healing, like most things in this game, requires good positioning. The Mercy you saw flying around was doing so to position herself to heal her teammates and to escape from enemy players.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Thanks for the replies, Zenyatta is the one I was refering to as the orb guy (forgpt his name) I really enjoy playing him but as someone mentioned he very squish and I tend to die a lot but I do good healing and get a fair few kills with him. I will give Soldier and Moria a try tonight


Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
OWL news

Dalaas Fuel signed aKm, and working on getting Rascal from London Spitfire.

Florida Mayhem signed Sayaplayer and Awesomeguy from Meta Athena. They also signed a deal with Meta Athena's coach.

LA Gladiator working on a deal to get Fissure from London too.

Stage 2 might look different than stage 1. Fun stuff.

I still can't believe I actually got into e-sports with OWL. :)


Blackwing Lair Raider
CTF "We're patching Lúcio very soon. He will drop the flag on wall ride." ~Jeff • r/Overwatch

Lucio will drop the flag now if he tries to wallride. Lord knows how that made it to live. He's still a must pick for taxiing.

Yeah I started up a CTF game today and found out the hard way this is live. At least Chateau death Match is back this week so you can get your three loot boxes super fast if you want.

CTF still sucks imo, most people will just play 10 games for the competitive points, oddly I got high gold despite losing 6 of 10.. like you said Lucio is a must pick and I just get the feeing the game really is not made for this mode.


Watcher of Overs

I really like Rascal, and not just because he looked so good in the kongdoo sailor outfit :D

Sayaplayer is good. I remember him crying after a loss in apex. It was kind of touching. Zappis will be with them too. Skyrim belongs to the nords!

Fissure is supergood too. I guess people are getting tired of sitting on the bench and trying to get traded to where they can start. Makes sense and good for the back / middle pack teams.


Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
So fucking true...

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Clump of Cells
<Silver Donator>
I still enjoy the new ctf map and I hope they make more.

I've had some good carries on tracer recently. Blink right into the flag, head up the stairs on the right, use that little window that drops you down into that room just outside the building.

Hope Lucio is around to pick up if I die