I'm looking forward to Stage 2, I think the meta might be more fun to watch. I kinda missed OWL last week with no games.
I still cannot stress how surprised I am by my own interest in OWL. I had no interest whatsoever in esport in general, and OWL didn't really interest me at all until it started, then for some reason I got hooked. I really enjoy watching it, the level of the players and team coordination is just incredible to watch, it's fun to see the teams setup their play and then watch it unfold...it's very different than watching top 500 competitive Overwatch.
I like the format of a regular sport league, and not just be tournament now and again that esport usually is. There's more continuity to the whole season this way I think, and makes it more interesting in my eyes.
As for Stage 1, I mostly agree with Kharzette especially with why the other teams were catching up to Seoul, and I think we will see the gap close up between the top and bottom team as the season goes on. As he said the Korean teams have been working together before on a level most other never did, but now they all have similar infrastructure, and the other teams will just catch up a bit.
One thing about Seoul that I read, is that there might be homesick. It's something that has been seen it seems in other esport with Korean team being out of Korea for a while. And Seoul unlike the other Korean team are 100% Korean, from coaches, owners and everything in their surrounding. London and NY have some EU and NA people in their entourage making it easier on them to adapt to life in NA.
A few of the bottom teams will get some help during Stage 2 and beyond which should help them since most of the bottom team have very small roster and simply lacked flexibility more than raw talent in my opinion.
Even though London won the playoffs, I still think NY will dominate. Saebyeolbe and Jjonak are simply in my opinion the 2 most dominating players at their respective position. Jjonak I think does twice the damage of other Zenyetta, that's crazy...it's really like they have an extra DPS. Saebyeolbe plays in such a unique way, he doesn't go after support like other tracers, he hunts their tracer...and usually wins.
Shanghai, even though they went 0-10, I think they were one of the most improve team over the duration of Stage 1. Their last matches were solid, and enjoyable to watch.
I'll probably watch all matches tonight to see what the new meta is like, and see how each team does.
I think I watch more Overwatch now than actually play it..