some of them are from last years event (the purple ones). I mean I was told you get your end of the season CP based on your highest rating that season, not current, so I see no reason to stop playing, you could go higher than your season high and hit a new rank or youre just gonna get the same points anyway.
Ahh ok that makes sense.
Still, i mean of all the new limited time only skins to get i wind up with Roadhog and Zarya, The two characters who probably are least suited to this event. especially Roadhog!
Has anyone else really enjoyed playing 6v6 Tottal Mayhem games in Arcade? Every game I play either Mercy or DVA and ask for a Bastion, and ideally some more solid sustained DPS characters ideally, ones who can pick off opposing healers or backliners.
Sometimes i just pocket DVA or Bastion the whole game and neither of us die as it's very tough to kill a DVA with 1.2k base HP, cool down on reduced by 50% extra ult gain so she can use her nuke all the time, and call mech back super fast in the rare occasion she gets her mech exploded..
With a Mercy who is much harder to kill with 400hps, + passive regen starts in 1 second instead of 2., Has only 15 sec rez cool down, effectively basically no cool down on guardian angel, and can valk constantly. not to mention giving everyone 200% hps making it far easier to keep them alive with healing beam, or kill with dmg boost beam.
This is the mode i wish they would screw around and make a competitive version of instead of CTF imo, it's far more fun.
Bastion is just a terror as he becomes very hard to kill with a healer + 600 base hps + his 25% defense bonus. Not to mention he is one of the few chars who can now have the DPS in bastion mode to quickly mow down any double HP hero ASAP even if they have an mercy healing them. It also allows him to gain his ult super fast, so you can often find him using it in every team fight. Toss on the Mercy dmg boost and most heroes or even entire teams go down super fast to the Tank form.
Obviously other characters beyond the three i mentioned are also very strong in this mode. But' ive really enjoyed theory crafting teams and just totally dominating. Would like to see how we do vs other teams that can theory craft and play well also.