So season 9 is almost over, just a few days left. I'm not going to play since I'm at only 2509 and don't want to lose platinum for the golden weapons points.
All in all, my least played season by far with about 12 or so hours only. Started around 2600, went up to 2800 and finally down to 2509 so a very disappointing season.
I did play about 20 hours of QP and PTR for Brigitte, and some Mystery Heroes, but still that's a fraction of what I usually play.
I am either just tired of the game after 2 years of playing it and nothing will improve that, or getting tired of how stagnant the game is, Blizzard development is too slow. Hero and map release is too slow...and no new map mode in 2 years...still only Control, Assault, Escort and Hybrid?
It doesn't help that I also hate Blizzard World and I seem to be getting it all the time which sucks. Not sure if it's just bad luck, or it has a higher chance of being in the rotation...or just perception because I hate it so much.
I hope that Brigitte, and all the balance change they did recently like D'va and Zen nerfs, Mei and Reaper buffs, new Hanzo, and the other changes on the PTR right now will invigorate the game a bit.