Hey everyone, I had a quick fact about Bob on
/r/Overwatch here that turned into a bunch of info. Here are the notes I jotted down while semi-trying to work. Feel free to add tidbits I missed.
- Bob can also be slept, nanoboosted, normal boosted. Has 1200 hp, not sure what mix of shields/armor
- Bob will charge wherever you aim and uppercut enemies in the path giving you a chance to shoot them. Then he'll engage enemies at medium distance.
- Jeff sets the OW default sens to his personal sens lol. “Someone has to pick the default”
- Bob can contest the point pog
- Blizz invited devs from Treyarch/CoD team to learn about making guns feel better
- Dynamite has decently big hitbox sphere, aim for the middle of the sticks instead of the fuse.
- Next SIX heroes are planned
- Blizz experimenting with rocket punch nerf itshappening.gif
- Concept for Ashe came from the Reunion cinematic. Never intended to make her a hero until they loved her character while the cinematic was in development
- I believe I heard PTR goal is monday morning? Sorry popped off headphones to talk to coworker. Edit: confirmed Monday morning, but Jeff thinks he jinxes the release every time he gives us a date
- Lucio-oh's are real, being distributed by Kellogg and should hit actual grocery shelves. I think this was already known but this is the first time I heard it
- Jeff doing an AMA today. Apparently he loves us