I tried her for about 2 hours yesterday.
She's not for me, I do not have the mechanical skills to play a character that require aiming like her. I do fine with the primary fire, but I'm terrible when scoping.
Only played "No Limits" so for the most part it was 6 Ashe vs 6 Ashe, definitely not the best way to evaluate a character.
That said, she's extremely fun to play which isn't too surprising since they have done a good job so far on that aspect.
Her gun has a real nice feel to it, both the primary fire or while scoping and alternating between the 2 modes. The interesting mechanic about it is the way it reloads. The gun has 12 ammo. Reloading from 0 to 12 is extremely long as she puts in 1 ammo at a time. The interesting thing is that it can be interrupted at any point and you can shoot. So if you're empty and 1 shot from killing someone, just shoot after she reloads 1 ammo. It gives her a little tactical aspect on how and when to reload.
Her coach gun, that is probably what will define her really. It pushes a target away from her, and herself backward making it fairly easy for her to disengage. It can also be used to "rocket jump" and it allows you to jump quite high, giving her some serious mobility.
The dynamite is nice and decent amount of damage over time, it's not too hard to hit it while in the air either even for someone with terrible aim like me. It has a fairly large hitbox. If you don't shoot it and it lands on the ground it takes 1 or 2 seconds before detonating giving time to people to move away from it. Shooting it is definitely the way to make the most of it. Getting a health pack stops the dot I believe.
BOB is super cool, but I have no idea how good he'll be. In no limits with 6 Ashe on the other side, he's vastly OP, but against a real team, I don't know. I have a feeling he'll be situational going from somewhat OP, to totally useless. For all intent and purpose he's a turret that runs toward a target and throws them into the air(fairly high btw) then becomes immobile and shoots people.
My initial feeling is she's a jack of all trades, master of none type of hero. Not as good as Widow when scoping, not as good as McCree, Soldier or Reaper with primary fire. She has good mobility but does match Genji, Tracer, or Hanzo. She has some area of denial abilities like the Dynamite and Bob, but not as good as Junkrat, Mei, Torb or Sym.
She's very versatile, but I'm not sure how viable that is in Overwatch. Most comp usually favor very specific role, especially at high end...like in OWL. She's cute, super fun and versatile so I expect her to have a really high pick rate in competitive and I don't think she'll considered a troll pick.
I can't wait to see the pros play her in a competitive environment, I think she'll be super fun to watch.