That's why the stats in this game don't mean a lot. When where why how, all super relevant.Two players both The same SR, about the same SR and both have 10 hours Played this season. Everything is per 10-minute averages Playing Reinhardt.
Deaths 7.54
Eliminations 17.70
Final Blows 9.07
Hero damage Done 7144
Deaths 9.13
Eliminations 14.95
Final Blows 6.11
Hero damage Done 5263
Now you might expect player one to have a much higher win percentage. if you are not familiar with Reinhardt stats that probably a 90% + performance in some areas like final blows vs a sub 10% one for B. This is actually a comparison between my stats on rein on one of my accounts and another guy who in my group yesterday. Anyways the guy in my group who is player B actually had a slightly higher win percentage at about 51% vs 49% for me.
Nw sure 10 hours is not a massive sample/ But it is a pretty decent sized one and it's a bit demoralizing that well above average or below average play over such a sample size can have 0 effects on win rates.
That's why the stats in this game don't mean a lot. When where why how, all super relevant.
The salt is crusting...I might try running a healer.just to get out of silver. Although it seems instalocking Ashe genji hanzo widow is a problem up through plat at least
. I find usually it's the dps that make or break the team at this low level of play.
I know we are driven by wanting to climb and improve but it’s important to remember no matter your rank you will settle in at a 50/50 win ratio no matter what .
If we play our best , in the best frame of mind and on our best character you’ll hit a certain rank that represents your abilities. We often can’t maintain our best though and it’s better to just let it find an equilibrium over hundreds of matches then just stop worrying about rank and just enjoy winning 50% of the time.
Who knows you may get better steadily over many seasons and see it creep up. Nobody who hyperfocuses rank is ever going to stay happy playing this game long .
Usually I'll play roadhog "main" (I hate that term in this game), but I'm comfortable with all of them. Second pick is rein or dva but depending on strat I pick whatever.I found this to be very true, climbing from low rank as support is pretty much not possible, as a tank it gets better but still quite hard. Strong dps carry is pretty much required .
Around plat there begins to be some team dynamics making support and tank more feasible . I think even us old farts can get into mid gold on dps if your game sense is strong and aim twitch may be lacking.
Brig is what broke this for awhile that you could climb out on her when she was OP. I’m just not a good Aimer but on one my support accounts I can play lucio at diamond level rather easily.
With a dps hero I can’t get past high silver gold depending on the character.
Which tanks to do you like?