i used zen to get out of silver lol im not at about 2700. I mostly play tank now when i play comp. Rein/Dva/Road/Winston/Zarya.Played zen and no one pays any attention to me in silver.
That's why the stats in this game don't mean a lot. When where why how, all super relevant.
To expand on this a little without going into a deep analysis. In this season there are tons of Rein vs Rein, and the team that wins more often than not will be the one with the Rein that blocks more Shatters than the other one. That's not reflected anywhere, Rein can have the most awesome offensive stats, if he is not blocking shatters you will lose most of the time. In a similar fashion, if Rein isn't keeping his shield down when playing against a Widow and is out swinging his hammer all the time, she'll get tons of easy picks because of free line of sight. Heck, maybe the Rein with the lower stats is an outstanding shotcaller compare to the other one that doesn't make a lot of calls, having a good shotcaller can win you a lot of games.
There's a lot more to it, but these are just 3 examples. The thing is there are far more in Overwatch than stats that will affect how well you're doing.
When I DPS I find Moira very hard to kill. But I'm not goodBeing ignored while playing Zen is so much fun. He can have such a crazy impact on any games.
If you wanna climb with Moira you need to heal. It used to be able to damage with her but since all the buff to DPS of late.
Managed to hit bronze. The quality of games has dropped significantly.
Thanks man. I'm a far better (well... Not too far) tank than healer. I'm comfortable enough with zen but I agree I don't right click enough. In fact last night I was thinking that to myself. I'll probably focus on tanking and go to a healer when needed.Was able to watch a little of your latest stream on Zen, there are a couple small things you could change. You are over emphasizing left click instead of charged right. Zen is a lot like hanzo in that spamming a choke for targets you may not even see can get a lot of cheap kills, that you'll never get using using left click. Saw some encounters with brig where you could have taken her shield down with some charged hits.
Your positioning is pretty good in relation to your tanks, personally I would emphasize using corners more as I threw those charged shots around a corner towards a choke.
Mostly I see the problem I already discussed which is playing support at your rank is a fools errand. I'm a far better coach than I am a player, I know this game pretty well and have spent tons of time helping son go from silver to masters just focusing on game sense. I dont mind spending some time watching gameplay if you want me to.
Another way to approach it is to maybe spend 100 levels in mystery heroes, that way you'll really get comfortable being able to simply switching to what will work best in the different situations you find yourself in. Oh and please turn off tips![]()