I like the game, pub solo queues are getting really irritating though (maybe its just the weekend). Two tracers/snipers who wont switch every time youre on offense, no tanks/healers. When you do switch to the others, the rest of the team cant kill anything, because theyre terrible. So you keep people alive a bit longer, then watch them die because they can't hit anything. Reinhardt also feels mandatory in every game. Just an overall very frustrating experience where you feel your impact is minimal.
Was very salty last night. I mean, if they throw a level 5 in with us, then you expect them to be experimenting and finding their feet, that's the matchmakers fault not theirs. So thats fine. But holy shit, whats with the level 80+ tracers who just stand at an entrance continually dying not even being able to REACH their backline, then end up losing the game before we even take the first objective. How can you make it so far in and STILL not realise what you're doing wrong.