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Bad.Guys guys guys! Let's get back on message here...
Wheat is bad for you.
Robb Wolf and Hanna Montana. Now what?NYT_sl said:And celebrities like Miley Cyrus, the actress and singer, have urged fans to give up gluten. "The change in your skin, physical and mental health is amazing!" she posted on Twitter in April.
But the gluten free thing is likely a fad according to this guy's opinion:NYT_sl said:As with most nutrition controversies, most everyone agrees on the underlying facts. Wheat entered the human diet only about 10,000 years ago, with the advent of agriculture.
"For the previous 250,000 years, man had evolved without having this very strange protein in his gut," Dr. Guandalini said. "And as a result, this is a really strange, different protein which the human intestine cannot fully digest. Many people did not adapt to these great environmental changes, so some adverse effects related to gluten ingestion developed around that time."
Judge for yourselves.NYT_sl said:For celiac experts, the anti-gluten zeal is a dramatic turnaround; not many years ago, they were struggling to raise awareness among doctors that bread and pasta can make some people very sick. Now they are voicing caution, tamping down the wilder claims about gluten-free diets.
"It is not a healthier diet for those who don't need it," Dr. Guandalini said. These people "are following a fad, essentially." He added, "And that's my biased opinion."
Nonetheless, Dr. Guandalini agrees that some people who do not have celiac receive a genuine health boost from a gluten-free diet. He just cannot say how many.