This game is, I wouldn't say Shallow, but very basic in a lot of ways. The combat, the world, the itemization, and leveling. But that's not a bad thing, it's really a more relaxed Survival where you're not pushing to level XXX to get XXX item to REALLY play the game. There's definitely things that boost efficiency, but even at ~45 there's not one thing outside of certain individual Pals (ANUBIS, Jormuntide Ignis) that change the game.
But where it IS deep is breeding. If you haven't looked up the google doc I'd recommend it. I'd definitely recommend NOT increasing incubation timers either because even with the standard incubation timers to get the right perks on the right pal may take like 12 hours real time. But the perks you can mix and match on certain pals is really where the game shines. I bred some battle turtles and I have a +30% attack +30% defense Digtoise who's got something like 900 defense at level 38. Just an absolute tank. The reddit is full of people showing off their ultra milk farmer cows with like +70% work speed +50% sanity or whatever or their +90% attack Chikipeas. Stuff is great. We've got a 2x multiplier on eggs so unfortunately the biggest eggs take between 4 and 6 hours for us, but we've got ~30 incubators. But getting stuff like a Swift/Runner/Musclehead mount and flying mount ASAP is HUUUUGE QoL. And as mentioned make sure to condense them as it levels up their stats AND the rank of their Pal Partner skill stat. So for mounts that means MORE speed, MORE HEIGHT, and MORE flying stamina. We calculated it seems to be about a flat 10% bonus to the base each pal partner level up. One of the guys has an omega Fenglope he's bred 100+ of, at level 4 with Swift/Runner and the thing literally double just maybe 100 feet? It's 50% more than my Rayhounds double jump. Absolutely nuts.
The breeding and modification of Pals in this game is 100% the feature that shines. A lot of the rest of it is pretty basic, but that's fine. Combat could definitely be smoother, better progression that wasn't a MSQ would be cool, and obviously Pal AI needs work which they've addressed is prio 1.
With the right updates/MODS(!!!) this shit could be an alternate Rust style game for people who dip in and out of survival games for content patches.