Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


Somebody needs to run with this. Nothing is off limits though. If me and my guild want to raid Jesus on Easter Sunday then farm him three days later we should be able to do so. You could bring in mythology also for an xpac. Just don't hire any Blizzard lore people. I don't want a Scientology Xpac.
Blizzard lore people would actually make it worse. James, Jesus' brother, arrives in New Jerusalem via spaceship.


Semi-pro Monopoly player
Crafting skills?

Ark Building
Loaves and Fishes preparing
Carpenter (Crosses only)
Gambler - Casting lots

I see potential here...


Molten Core Raider
Somebody needs to run with this. Nothing is off limits though. If me and my guild want to raid Jesus on Easter Sunday then farm him three days later we should be able to do so. You could bring in mythology also for an xpac. Just don't hire any Blizzard lore people. I don't want a Scientology Xpac.
I wouldn't mind a scientology xpac if Tom Cruise was the end boss, would be great to kill him.........


but our CEO soygen is on vacation


Well for starters Yes the Dev Team had contracts. None of them feel they would get anything out of going after Brad and they are concerned that any "whistle blowing" would impact their future chances at getting employment with other Developers. They know Brad is seen as a pariah, but whistle blowing is how you get black listed in the industry and many of the top people are connected.

Convo's quote of Kyn is true I remember seeing it. Also Brad has "paid" some of the volunteer dev's. It's in the 3 digit range as in a hundred or two. Only the very most top. I am going to guess Kyn is one of them.

There is more but it's hard flipping between two threads. I might just go to air a little later and open up this conversation there.


Oh and we need to revise the numbers. It was 142K when the original team left, of which I know at least $3350 was refunded so what ever number is on the site, subtract $3350 from it. I have heard some other challenges have also been successful and I have heard that anyone that paid for the $100/m packages and stopped payment on them, the site still registers the full package whether payment in full or not has been received.


Raidan_EQ - "I could just as easily say that if Brad's random bills weren't paid, Pantheon's production would have stopped."

False, seeing as the only content that was shown the be produced was lore by Vhalen and Vu's Dragon and Zone map and one other guys 3D model of a goblin and a few other art assets Brad has shown absolutely 0 proof that he has done anything but post a few comments and take credit for others work. That 45K could have went a lot further paying the people who have been actually working on the project. That could have been 2-3 months more work at least with an experienced staff of developers.


Dindu Nuffin
I would play the shit out of that game. Need Westboro Baptist as a playable race to Ogre block the demon scum from ruining our raid on Ozzy.


we need to copyright this shit asap.
How about getting enough of you idiots together to actually create something rather than blab about something none of you are obviously skilled enough to do.

These people are getting duped and it's plain as day.
The only person being duped is Brad, by thinking his original staff had any skill whatsoever. It's obvious by the first video that everyone who quit, vu, salem, vhalen, etc was worthless and shouldn't have received a dime for their "work."

The scam argument comes with the initial development team in which there was discussion they felt they did not receive adequate payments and Brad took the 3 month cash advance.
Brad delivered WAY more than the initial development team. The first video showed every single one of those nuckleheads delivered shit that should be tossed in the garbage.

He took dollars invested (donated)
Invested/Donated???? Weird, because those two words don't mean the same thing, dumbass.

So, like, a ponzi scheme right?
A donation isn't an investment and you don't recieve returns on a donation. So in sum, you are dumb as hell and are just flapping your gums.

My understanding is that the start up group of devs agreed to be paid in contracts because it made the whole crowd funding thing easier on paper.
You shouldn't talk about startups if you have no idea how they work. Developers for early-stage startups are ALWAYS on a 1099, has nothing to do with crowdfunding.

dude still has no answer to the my question. why are you still working on a project that has no chance of ever seeing the light of day when the guy doing 1% of the work is pocketing 99% of all the money coming in?
You think Brad is doing 1% of the work when he is the ONLY reason all the money & developers come in? You are pretty dumb.

I wanted to do the video project to help support the community that I was a part of. The work I was doing deserves to be paid for

When I found out how little involvement Brad had, I decided it wasn't worth my time.
So you worked on the video, didn't even finish it, and you deserve money? You got some retarded idea in your head that Brad doesn't do anything so you decided to not even finish what you said you were going to complete?

I'm guessing you realized how terrible of a job you did making a video of the terrible build that the terrible team "completed."

Sounds like you deserve nothing and received nothing. Pras.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
You are right, without Brad there would be no MMO-project "Pantheon". And the world would be better for it.

What does Brad do?

Its 3 month since the end of kickstarter...
More than 6 month since he told us that he would delay the KS because then he could show us so much more of the game...
More than 10 month since he started the project and dropped some hints about it...

And all we got is a demo-video where he logs into some server and runs around a mini-level generated in unity in less tha a weekend? LOL!

Dream on!