The only starting point I have for judgement would be the damage type vs armor type would be from DAoC. Which obviously was a more PvP centric MMO than PvE but the issues would still remain. In DAoC you would spec into which weapon type your character preferred. But there were also melee styles which made certain weapon types better. I don't remember everything but I know Mid preferred Slashing. So now that Mid melees prefer slashing to blunt that means they are at a disadvantage fighting Albion who uses Plate armor which is susceptible to crush but good against slash. So Mid squads are pretty much forced to go against Hib who is susceptible to slash. It made some strange imbalances and somewhat hindered the gameplay. You could argue that is because of being forced to specialize and you maybe correct. Hibernia's melee had the luxury of using large weapons which the damage type of those was dependent upon the actual weapon (I think either slash or blunt) but that forced you to now keep two MP crafted weapons in your bag just depending upon which realm you're fighting.
Maybe for a PvE centric game some of these issues could be worked out. It would be fun as a melee not constantly pressing the same buttons and doing the same styles over and over and having it mixed up based upon the encounter.
Maybe for a PvE centric game some of these issues could be worked out. It would be fun as a melee not constantly pressing the same buttons and doing the same styles over and over and having it mixed up based upon the encounter.