Excellent answers, thanks! Glad to see you guys are indeed keeping an eye on network performance. I also don't think you'll hurt much from taking a break on the video updates. The last two have shown a lot of polish over the previous ones, where you can at least leave it without a bad last impression imo, all things considered. Definitely keep us informed with what happens with encounter sizes!
Here's a few more for your next visit.
-What type of quests are you all planning to go with? I'd assume the answer is "more EQ style than WoW style", but that still leaves a lot open. Will be able to loot whenever, do turn-ins later? All of them repeatable?
-Thoughts on NPC interaction? "Type the magic word (EQ)" vs "Click the magic word (EQ Live)" vs "Box with options (VG/WoW)" vs [something else]?
-Will there be a type of quest journal/log (even if you do go EQ style)?
-Will quests give significant exp, or is the main source of exp going to be from killing mobs (EQ style I'm assuming, again)?
-Any other "classic EQ" type design decisions you want to share? [needing food/water, learning languages, weight, various factions in the same city, etc]
-And of course the most important question - will vendors sell to others, what I sell to them?
-Is your current team page (
Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen - Wikis Profile - About Us) still up-to-date? Any other members missing, or that have since left?
-And this is just me being curious - being a team of volunteers, what kind (if any) development process are you using (various Agile methodologies [Scrum/Kanban/etc], or more Waterfall, or just kinda whatever)? Is more of the team full time, or more of them doing it after work? I'm a software developer with about 12 years under my belt, and I'm always curious how other teams and places do things - especially very "non-standard" projects like this one.