I have zero problems with people wanting to make a spiritual successor to EQ. That's fine.
What I do have a problem with is Brad being part of the project. Brad's nothing but a $2 crack whore that will steal your money away from you. If that one kickstarter isn't enough to prove that to you, nothing will be. But god damn it, I'm going to sit here on the sidelines loving all the tears that come falling. They will wash over me in a glorious stream.
Brad should just go away. Go off riding your fucking dirt bikes into the sunset like one of those 80's movies. Fuckin' failed marriages, failed games, stole EQ from Sojourner, shitcanned (read as fucked) everybody that worked at that studio. Meanwhile, still snorting Oxy. It's hard not to look at this as a slow moving train wreck that you can't pull your eyes from, especially with Brad at the helm.