Honestly, it shouldnt take you hours to get to a dungeon anymore. Thats the old skool mentality and the whole "its a part of the journey" thing is kind of played out. I was either alt tabbed out, running in a line with autorun on. Or I was watching TV. Nothing memorable happened unless a griffin swooped in and started kicking my ass, or similar. Nor am I on the side of just straight teleporting to the dungeon. I hope, and I already have a feeling that we'll have some kind of city to city transport that is, or almost is instant. That 3 hour trip to Odus is only cool when you read it in a book.
Which, if that is the case and we're TP'ing to druid rings, wizard circles, major cities, TP items, etc. then you should be getting to your objective within 10 minutes if I had to hazard a guess. Especially with mounts.