Ssraeszha Raider
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1. Spells can fizzle
2. Spells are not 100% guaranteed hit, they can be resisted and physical hits often are misses... this keeps you on your toes
3. Monsters don't die in 3 hits solo, it takes a group to take them down
4. There are skills that you need to improve and I'm guessing these skills (like EQ) will take a long time to level up (unlike in WoW when it was trivial) like 1 HS, Conjuration, Dodge...etc
5. Combat is more resource oriented where resource management is a key; so many times in Pantheon casters go Out Of Mana and they had to stop to med; when was the last time we get to do that in any recent game? There's no point in the "mana/energy" bar in the most recent games it's almost always full... sometimes I wonder why they even bother?
6. Offensive/Defensive targets like in Vanguard (which is not very common in any MMORPG)
7. Classes have roles (unlike in recent games like GW2 and BDO where playing a role in a group did not exist)
8. Roles are not limited to Tank, Healer, DPS... you need a puller, CCer, Slower...etc. When was the last time you needed to split mobs and break a room for grinding?
9. Monks
10. Breaking a room takes time and wipes are very common (did you watch the recent videos?) I haven't seen that ever since EQ
11. Dungeons are not instanced; you will meet other players while delving in a dungeon
I can think of many more, but you get the picture...
So copy and paste of EQ with sidegraded graphics?
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