Have you guys heard the legend of the Sour Toe drink? The Sourtoe Cocktail - Dawson City's Dead Toe Cocktail
Sorry, they already do. They constantly reference Furor the time.
Here, the podcast focus comes on the news and sharing opinions.
I hate to be the one to tell you this, but he's not had anything to do with the FOH forums and this 'community' (at large) in a long-ass time.
Ravv has had more to do with the forums, and she scammed Xboxes off people and ended up losing her hair and going to jail.
We're at the point now that more people here probably don't even know who Furor is. It's 2022, bro.
HeyAraysar do we have a podcast forum for this guy?
#1 podcast forum in US is right here on FOH: https://www.firesofheaven.org/threads/ask-amod-the-worst-thread-in-the-world.6/
NowErronius what's all this about Ravv losing his hair and going to jail?
I have so many questionsI don't remember how it came up or who posted about it. But here's the pic
I wonder if they're interested in Monsters & Memories?Yesterday I went into the pantheon discord and even there all they were talking about was the game was dead, no progress, devs don’t even go into the discord anymore, and they were discussing just continuing to hang out as a like minded community despite never having the main game they got together for ever existing. I think if even those die hard guys are over it, it’s fully dead.
I think there were some drug arrests, plus I think she ended up being an actual hoorI have so many questions
1. Is this man, woman or tranny?
2. Why did Ravv go to jail? Xbox scam that went sideways? Attempted murder of Tyen?
She was hookin' wasnt she?I think there were some drug arrests, plus I think she ended up being an actual hoor
Maybe Kuriin knows, but I think he was a bit blown away by everything. Or Camerous (is he back now?)
I think it would be fun.You should go for Dead Game Society over Dead Toe Society.
-I see your point.
It describes a gaming podcast, a little on its theme, but it's also a double meaning as people frequently call WoW or FF14 "dead games" when they are not. It's MUCH better marketing.
-I agree. We all know that this forum is full of "insight" and "comments" about gaming. we would need to change the logo completely.
I suggest you get some trial episodes going ASAP and have 1-3 topics for each one that people know and can prep for beforehand. Depending on who is willing, rotate guests at the start until you know who has good chemistry with you/each other and pick them as regulars/co-hosts.
-Who wants to do a podcast? This community is pretty huge. We can definitely make it happen.
Knowing that people around here like to be private, given the horrific things we post on the politics boards, you'll have access to more guests if they can use a profile pic or tube setup."
-I don't have a problem doing artwork for people or giving someone a fake funny name. I know most people would not take it to heart and would find it amusing like an Asmon stream. you have too be careful on logos and footage stuff in case a cancel culture person tries to DMCA you. We can give it a shot.
I am doing the intro a couple of different ways right now. I decided to go with Dead Toe Society. Here's what I got so far as an intro
I honestly think I lose IQ points reading this thread now. Nigron was fun to banter with(especially his ""more hard hitting than the fluff pieces and brown nosing out there" line) but I feel like this sox person has gone full retard. I have no clue whats going on anymore, if its even about a never releasing game. Imagine when fallen gifs were more on topic then pages of something.