I started on Prexus for about three months (1999) before switching to questions full-time. I was a mage on Prexus in a guild called Signs of Unity; Then, some friends asked me to come to Quellious and play with them because they needed a bard. I was in a guild called Aetherium; Our senior guide was Kelethin(every letter in her name was a different color) the rainbow warrior, and the app guide was Brasse from Pantheon fame before she started dressing up as a dwarf.
Brasse from Pantheon fame? Brasse posted falling gif pics and became famous? Who the fuck is Brasse?
Here is my claim to fame on Quellious.
Ozzmar made 4 of us guides into Cockatrices in the Overthere one night. I was Big Bird. A level 50 shaman who totally destroyed 45 people in the zone while they beat down "Polly", "Cracker", and "Quack". I was the size of a Sand Giant.
I used them as bird shields. At the end, when the entire server showed up, I dropped a couple evil eye bags. People were pissed because it took an hour to take me out
I spent most of my time rezzing idiots and killing all the mobs that fell through the world. You would be surprised how many were down there.
I would also go invis and watch terrible raids and laugh as the petitions came in and claimed the encounter was bugged. No, you just all fucking sucked and couldn't maintain an easy aggro with the standard complete heal chain.
Then I proved (Here in fact) to Smedley that artificial bugs to stall progression existed because shit wasn't finished (Namely, PoP and the Plane of Time and a water bug leveraged to fuck everyone from progressing in the Reef of Coirnav. (Keys were used for this very purpose in SoL) since end game shit wasn't finished when they launched the expansions. Won an all access pass for life. Which I never used.
Good talk. You're nuts. Good luck with the podcast.