I think it's safe to say that VR is a holding company. They haven't paid corporate taxes for over eight years; they haven't completed one zone yet. They are using pre-built art assets from the Unity store; alpha looks a long way away supposedly; there is a total of 3 continents to make all together, including 63 separate zones; the company appears to be struggling to raise revenue for funding after telling everyone initially, they had the budget to make it to launch. They have been avoiding the California tax board for over 3 years. Now they are trying to organize a new pledge system during the summer as a possible cash-grab? Please no more, Pantheon, Brad's legacy deserves better. You should have walked away after he died. I am tired of hearing about the comparations to COE now.
It's time to make the call. I am so sorry for what I am about to do but I believe in a good mercy killing. At this point, the Devs seemed overworked and unpaid; I applauded their sense of loyalty to the project, but enough is enough. I can't stand it anymore. Maybe returning to their former professions will make them happy again and less stressed.