The store address is a PO Box in the shopping center as a Mailbox Depot store. The State of Delaware requires the corporation to have a physical address, including a picture, where the agent on file can be served M-F from 9 am-5 pm. Brad was listed as their agent on file for a long time, and I don't know if it has changed. VR, for a mysterious reason, can't seem to get in contact with the FTB to update their corporate information.
However, they don't have a problem updating the website. Hmm. It's not a big deal. I heard there used to be an animal doctor in the shopping center that maybe one of Brad's relatives. It would take maybe 30 mins to clear up any issues it may have caused to their developmental delay. I get it to keep it hidden until you are ready to strike, but if you don't make it happen, you tarnish a dead man's rep for your only personal benefit. Everyone knows you are trying to complete the game for Brad and Kurt, but why must you keep his name associated with a doomed project. I got punished for calling them out on it on the website. By the way, I am permanently banned from speaking on the website now even though I have over 800 friends on the forums. They decide to carry the mute over to the discord channel too after the post. I guess they feared I would weaponize my followers and cause trouble.
I am not a Liz Woolley simp, nor have I talked to her in over 2.5+ years. Personally, I don't trust Liz or VR at this point.
I have a feeling that if they don't get a certain amount of summer pledges, they will close the project and do a COE. You can't get a refund on a pledge, even though they charged a ursury fee on top of the pledge amount. Only lending institutions can do it. They are so fucking dirty. Some people are claiming it as a purchase because there is a reward attached to it. Class action lawsuits since 2012 have been dealt a killing blow by the supreme court. If VR goes into bankruptcy, all the investors are paid first which is basically the VR BOD. It's some slick motherfucking shit there. VR is no more than a holding company, or a boiler room set up at this point. I found out if you make a certain amount over 15,000 a year as a work for hire you have to pay taxes in America if you live overseas.
LLCs don't have to release their investors' names, nor do they have their listed donations publicized. Their tax obligations to the states are all self-reporting. They have never made over 1 million dollars a year in corporate tax revenue filling.
I was offered free advertising on Pantheon Radio, but I constantly turned it down. I never took any, kind of bribe, err I mean donation, to my content for promoting their game because it is against the FTC regulations. I gave my time and money from my heart and pocket because I cared about the project. Btw, it's a $44,000 dollar FTC fine I believe. Now you can do a sponsored stream and that is a different category. All the pantheon content creators say multiple times we are not affiliated with VR why are all their videos checked by the community manager before they are released as a public stream.