Pantheon will be different and the Diablo Immortal simps here will hate on it
Pantheon will either come out and be a game, or it won't. Hopefully it does so the backers at least get something. If it's objectively terrible to you, don't play it. You'll probably see at least one or more people streaming it when they end up allowing that, and can make the decision yourself.
My opinion is that I want Pantheon to succeed, it's dumb to hope someone fails because other people have spent their money on something that isn't out yet. It's their decision to do so.
I also am of the opinion that it probably won't be what it was originally billed as, but I am holding that verdict until I can actually play it someday - or see someone else play it for free, like every other game I might have an interest in.
My opinion on D:I is that I'd probably enjoy it if I downloaded it right now and played it and ignored every bit of microtransaction, because the gameplay is acceptable but the monetization is awful.
I imagine a world where Diablo Immortal and Pantheon can coexist in the same world as many other games, catering to many different audiences in their own space of the industry.
Tribalism is dumb.
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