Mr. Sox
why do you want to know my stripper name? Are you going to start stalking me or something?
I was afraid you'd try making it weird, and sure enough, here we are.
You wouldn't even give me an honest answer about your preferred strip clubs, but then you talk as if you're some kind of Stripper Whisperer and can just magically pick them out of a crowd and get to know them, or something.
I've never gone to Super Flea. No idea if it's even still open. The building has always looked ratty as hell. And I can't imagine how bad it stinks down there, because there's a nasty-ass stench that comes from a sewage plant that is less than a mile away. And just a little bit farther is Bayer, which also stinks terribly bad, depending on what they're making at the time. The stench is terrible down on Front street at night, for some reason, so I can't imagine Super Flea is any better.

I was afraid you'd try making it weird, and sure enough, here we are.
You wouldn't even give me an honest answer about your preferred strip clubs, but then you talk as if you're some kind of Stripper Whisperer and can just magically pick them out of a crowd and get to know them, or something.
I've never gone to Super Flea. No idea if it's even still open. The building has always looked ratty as hell. And I can't imagine how bad it stinks down there, because there's a nasty-ass stench that comes from a sewage plant that is less than a mile away. And just a little bit farther is Bayer, which also stinks terribly bad, depending on what they're making at the time. The stench is terrible down on Front street at night, for some reason, so I can't imagine Super Flea is any better.
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