Avatar of War Slayer
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Tomorrow with a hangover probably, lol.Daidraco when you playing?
Dude even said in some long winded response that he couldnt "create" and "balance" together, so that pretty much signifies to me, in my head, that its going to be OP as fuck. He also kept going on and on about PVP when he was creating Druid's Tree Form as well. You can tell he's really hype about Druid, and it kind of makes me think he played one in early EQ. The whole time he's playing, just sitting there thinking .. "Man. Druids should be able to do this!" and now he finally gets the chance to make it happen.He said late Jan and before PvP which is next month but this wasn’t the “official reveal” so I’m guessing it’s coming Jan 29th.
Couple things to note for the PVP server - Druids undoubtably going to be the the Healer of choice when leveling. So be prepared to stay second fiddle if thats your jam. Next thing is, if you're attacking one - its pretty obvious that your objective is to kill (depending on HP) or CC the dog first. As it stands right now, the power obviously needs to go more towards the pet or more towards the player. But that balancing is not going to take place anytime soon, since the Summoner has the same problem.
Same issue yesterday. No Enchanter or Necromancer to be found. When I saw one LFG, two more were LFG within that same 5-10 minute period. Then later on, not a single one to be found. Do a who, and where are they in the 20's? In Silent Plains or Eastern Plains, soloing. "Nah, I get better exp soloing. Thanks though!" .... Games definitely in an aggravating spot with the competition between soloing and grouping. I'd love for Rogue to have a Sap or a Monks Feign Death to actually fkn work. Its like they arent even paying attention to how thin the population gets in the late teens.
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