No, I want Pantheon bad. Too bad, probably. When Brad first started tweeting vague references to an old school MMO I was ready to pounce on it the first time he actually confirmed he was making something (and this thread was born). Any respect my wife has left for me she's going to lose if Pantheon doesn't happen because I'll go emo for a month.
I'm frustrated with the Kickstarter pitch because there are so many oversights, they've had to correct so much and it's still not being handled right, which means the whole project is being put in jeopardy. I love Kickstarter because magic can happen. Everyone points out all the shady stuff thatcouldgo wrong but without it, I wouldn't be playing through Broken Age right now and something like Pantheon wouldn't have a chance of happening.
However, before any team attempts it: Do. Your. Research. Compare your rough draft to a successful campaign. All this "we've got multiple classes to reveal over the coming weeks" simply means they're losing money they may not get back. Every Kickstarter view should be assumed to be a one and done. Right now if you go to the Pantheon page and hit the stretch goals section you can find a list of stuff this game won't have, including races and classes. What about the races and classes it does have? Oh, they're not saying? No pledge. Who knows if they'll come back, and who knows how much content will have been dripped out by then.
If you accept that you have a limited audience and are seeking crowd funding, when you make your big debut you should make as much noise as humanly possible. "We don't have rangers, but we do have warriors, clerics, shadowknights, rogues, wizards, shamans." I should have had the word EverQuest ringing in my ears and the Q&A videos should have all been released.
Sorry for the rant. I fucking want this game bad enough to help run a fan site which is something I never really intended to do because it's not in my nature. I can take or leave this genre on damn near any day of the week, but when you start saying things like "we want to bring back the EQ magic," I get all obsessed. I'm incredibly optimistic about Pantheon, just not its Kickstarter.