Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


Potato del Grande
...basically think Rift's Chloromancer which was similar to blood mage, would work fine with a shaman.
Tha fuck?!

...I guess necro as a wizard spec could also be a blood mage-like healer, just with pets.
This is the way. Blood Mage was way more like a necro that instead of focusing on the undead or recently dead, started focusing magic and experiments on the living.


Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
"Hey we need to expand on the class reveals, they want more detailed info, so plug in some of the shit we talked about. Write up the Crusader reveal this morning, then unfuck the other two. xoxo Brad"

That is exactly what happened and that is why the Crusader one is substantially better than the other two.
Oh that's exactly what happened. They are doing their damnedest to un-fuck themselves and I have to admit what they have gotten today was a marked improvement. If they keep it up they might just get this thing funded in the end, of course at the end of the day they still started this thing on false pretense so I am going to remain skeptical until the end. They are scrambling to get some cash so there is a certain level of accountability, but we still have no idea how this money will be allocated and how long it will be before the next 3 or 4 kickstarters for additional monies. I still would feel more comfortable and more likely to re-pledge back to where I was if there was a proven CEO or Project Manager at the helm.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
71 backers today. Hopefully that pace keeps up. They seem to be listening to us. Let's see if they manage to get some screenshots up next week. Combat doc probably going up soon too


<Gold Donor>
Who the fuck is boogle? God I fucking hate twitter. Some dude named "boogie2988" apparently has enough fans or something to fund this silly game??

EDIT: some video blogger guy, 1.5m subs to hear some dude talk about mmos? No clue what the appeal is with with these gamer "vlog" things is. Fuck i feel old and I am only 28.
Same age as you and none of it is confusing. It's not a matter of age--simply with whether or not you keep up with the Internet or not.


This is the weird thing for me though. I read this thread, I read all the ks information. What was said that people felt mislead about. It was pretty clear to me they were at the very beginning of the project. I just don't see any comments or statements they made where they pretended otherwise.

People act like they were told a working demo was coming even though everything they talked about indicated they were at the very start of the kickstart. So regardless of the quality of the ks, I don't see how people got mislead by this. Some people potentially blew it up in their head but all the early information brad and other people posted indicated they did not have a lot to start with. It is fine not to like that or want to support it, but to claim it was misleading seems totally off base.
Yea I guess I read into his tweets what I wanted them to mean. I just read stuff like this and thought it meant there was something physical:
Brad McQuaid ?@Aradune Jan 6
@tom_ftw @WolfsheadOnline We're on it! We're already cranking on the game, which is in early prototype stage, even tho no $$ raised yet.

Brad McQuaid ?@Aradune Dec 30
@SteveJackn111 We will have (very early) game footage on the kickstarter site.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
It's getting there for sure. That YouTube interview would be huge for them.. Things I'm expecting to see In the next few weeks that will help them... Rest of class release, detailed combat doc, screen shots, concert art and possibly a small demo inside a dungeon..


Trakanon Raider
I check out the vibe for the KS here about once a day. If I can recall its been hope, excitement, dread, hope, excitement, dread, e-peen matches, heroin needles, self-fulfilling destructive prophecies of nerds and women coexisting, and now back to warm or possibly hope. You are strange creatures. Carry on.


I have to say this and reaching out to GU comics, and Boogie, or any other very popular figure is the first bright move I have seen from these guys so far.. Bravo.
Are you fucking serious right now? THIS is the guy who is going to save our game? I'm fucking done with Brad. There is no hope.



<Gold Donor>
Are you fucking serious right now? THIS is the guy who is going to save our game? I'm fucking done with Brad. There is no hope.
That's just the character he plays for laughs.

Check his YouTube channel, he has plenty of videos as himself. I think he's a pretty damn cool guy.


Pleasantly surprised how this gained another 6k in the middle of the night, but lol at talking to Francis making people do a 180 in their attitudes yet again

Still, keep begging for those big names like TB and angry joe