Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


"SWG players, our next game (not announced yet) is dedicated to you," Smedley wrote. "Once we launch it... you can come home now."
I never even played SWG, but am I the only one who wants to punch Smed in the face right now?


<Gold Donor>
Oh, shit. This Boogie thing might actually happen. From his Twitter:

Boogie2988 ?@Boogie2988 8m
I'm attempting to convince @aradune (the father of the MMORPG genre) to grant me an interview for you guys. Help me encourage him, please.

Boogie2988 ?@Boogie2988 8m
I'm trying to convince @Aradune to come talk to me about his days with everquest, vanguard, and his new game too!Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen by Visionary Realms, Inc. Kickstarter.

Boogie2988 ?@Boogie2988 7m
Tweet at @aradune (or reply to this message) if you want to see me interview the man who made everquest

Brad, if you're reading this, you really need to have an honest chat on camera with Boogie. Don't bullshit him. Just talk straight about the past, your philosophy, and some about Pantheon. You'll get a ton of people exposed to you and the game, and anyone with whom that philosophy resonates will be over to Kickstarter with the quickness to pledge.


Not Great, Not Terrible
<Bronze Donator>
I shed a tear. Maybe I'll make a video montage set to sad piano music.
My VG guild did that when they left the game...except they play Offspring, but it was still sad to watch after playing so long with them.



Dental Dammer
<Gold Donor>
This is what's going on here with Pantheon @Rerolled:

Guess what we are coming out of now? Expect this to repeat again as we get close to the end.

And since its Friday night and we are all being bros, a somewhat tongue-in-cheek FU to all of you super-negative bandwagoneers who went from Brad's online ego/penis pump to putting him at the end of the Rerolled Human Centipede. I know the KS hasn't been great or even good but people here were howling for the KS to start; between potentially knowing something about the announcement of Vanguard closing down and some of the cajoling handjobbery that went on in this thread, they very well might have thought that the extremely lackluster effort they had at the outset would have been enough to carry them through.

Even though you won't find me pining for forced grouping, corpse runs, or death penalties, I really want to see Brad get another chance to make his game. He came through once before in the form of a game that changed many of our lives. Second chances can be in awfully short supply. If Jacobs and Garriott get another go at it, I vote with my dollars for Brad, as EQ was a monster of a D&D campaign setting set out in a 3d world that rocked. Best of luck to you guys, VR.

Also, plate-mail Clerics healing with fuck-off big two-handed hammers? If I wasn't a lifer already, I would be now.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Silius was doing some Q&A in the KS comments
@Oberon While I did not play an Enchanter in EQ, playing with a skilled enchanters was one of the greatest things to witness. We will absolutely do this class justice much like the others. Crowd control is making a comeback and the Enchanter will be at the forefront.

Mr Creed

Too old for this shit
So star wars with voxeltech
Still waiting for a great Star Wars MMO, so I'd be cool with that. Blow shit up certainly fits Star Wars, bonus points for being able to tear down a wall onto some stormtroopers with Jedi telekinetics.

Mr Creed

Too old for this shit
Really all of the old guard needs to go.. It would be nice to see some fresh blood in the MMO world.
Isn't Wildstar made by new folks? Not that it interests anyone in this thread as a game, just asking about the devs. Also Anet made their first MMO with GW2 and had split from Blizzard way before WoW so they dont carry that taint, and imo it shows (for good or worse).

What the genre really needs is more companies like CCP. You can argue alot against EVE but it's a great niche game that stays largely true to itself even after many mostly successful years (although it took some occupy jita to keep them on the path).


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
Shirts off with Viking helmets. Would donate again.
This will now be a class you can unlock in the game. Overweight drunken vikings rampaging through the game world.

After some of the things I've heard so far that actually seems doable. Americanized Asterix and Obelix inc (Boogie = Obelix)

Big Flex

Fitness Fascist
shits gunna get real

force now tweeting about brad and pantheon


Oh, shit. This Boogie thing might actually happen. From his Twitter:

Boogie2988 ?@Boogie2988 8m
I'm attempting to convince @aradune (the father of the MMORPG genre) to grant me an interview for you guys. Help me encourage him, please.

Boogie2988 ?@Boogie2988 8m
I'm trying to convince @Aradune to come talk to me about his days with everquest, vanguard, and his new game too!Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen by Visionary Realms, Inc. Kickstarter.

Boogie2988 ?@Boogie2988 7m
Tweet at @aradune (or reply to this message) if you want to see me interview the man who made everquest

Brad, if you're reading this, you really need to have an honest chat on camera with Boogie. Don't bullshit him. Just talk straight about the past, your philosophy, and some about Pantheon. You'll get a ton of people exposed to you and the game, and anyone with whom that philosophy resonates will be over to Kickstarter with the quickness to pledge.
Lol. Brad should not need any convincing. Sounds like Brad should jump on this ASAP. I agree about being honest about things across the board. Also throw in some tidbit of exclusive "heard it here first." Boogie seems excited to have Brad on. Like I said I don't know him but from what you all say brad should do this ASAP. Perhaps unveil halfling bards.

Big Flex

Fitness Fascist
Lol. Brad should not need any convincing. Sounds like Brad should jump on this ASAP. I agree about being honest about things across the board. Also throw in some tidbit of exclusive "heard it here first." Boogie seems excited to have Brad on. Like I said I don't know him but from what you all say brad should do this ASAP. Perhaps unveil halfling bards.
no shit, this was brads (our) idea and he initiated contact with boogie.


people are litereally tweeting brad

'"please brad, let boogie interview you!"
Ha, it's been said like four times already but he needs to be humble about all this and be genuine with Boogie. It's a good chance to win some respect and treat someone who's apparently a fan with class.


EQOA Refugee
Isn't Wildstar made by new folks? Not that it interests anyone in this thread as a game, just asking about the devs. Also Anet made their first MMO with GW2 and had split from Blizzard way before WoW so they dont carry that taint, and imo it shows (for good or worse).

What the genre really needs is more companies like CCP. You can argue alot against EVE but it's a great niche game that stays largely true to itself even after many mostly successful years (although it took some occupy jita to keep them on the path).
Wildstar is made by ex vanilla WoW devs.