Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


The entire industry falls short. It can't even make the games it made over 10 years ago. It needs a complete reboot, just Nintendo won't be here to save the day again when it comes.

It really fucking speaks volumes when a remake of Link to the Past is game of the year. Seriously.
Silius was doing some Q&A in the KS comments

@Oberon While I did not play an Enchanter in EQ, playing with a skilled enchanters was one of the greatest things to witness. We will absolutely do this class justice much like the others. Crowd control is making a comeback and the Enchanter will be at the forefront.
This is more of what I want to hear.


EQOA Refugee
Still don't think the cleric robe wearing healer seems like a bloodmage. Disciple type maybe. They had a monk type vibe and lore fits their beliefs type system.


Musty Nester
Well, I didn't say the engine was garbage. I said (if I remember correctly) that the game design was iron-clad, tech be damned. So many of the problems Vanguard had were trying to fit a square peg into a round hole. A big part of making a good game is modifying your design with creative solutions for difficult technical obstacles. This wasn't done with the open world design.

TLDR; Vanguards performance issues stemmed from design decisions, not technical ones.
I remember a beta post directly refuting that. The hitching in beta was because of excessive calls to your hard drive.

I mean you're probably right about some of it stemming from design -- but some of those issues were more along the lines a team that was simply out of their depth.
ceythos, brad, any reasons why smed wont release the vg ip?
Companies are loathe to give IP. Look at Disney, it hasn't ever given up anything in its history, not even old props from its rides/shows from Disney World. Smart companies hold on to every original IP they get because you never know what that IP will become valuable. At least, that's the old model. My hope is the Internet will continue to chip away at this idea.


Don't see any reason why they would need a server engineer at this point. They are adding more people if the ks is funded but a server engineer at this stage?


Trakanon Raider
Companies are loathe to give IP. Look at Disney, it hasn't ever given up anything in its history, not even old props from its rides/shows from Disney World. Smart companies hold on to every original IP they get because you never know what that IP will become valuable. At least, that's the old model. My hope is the Internet will continue to chip away at this idea.
Why would the internet chip away at it, it isnt even about them thinking the IP is going to some day become valuable. I am sure Smed doesn't even consider that. The bottom line is you would have to be a retarded businessman to give away tech at firesale prices to potential competitors.

Once you understand that Smed views the guys running EQEmu servers, and the guys who want to revamp VG as competitors its easy to see why he politely tells them to fuck off when they ask for help.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Is is possible? Will all the stars align perfectly and make the game a reality? I hope so


Is is possible? Will all the stars align perfectly and make the game a reality? I hope so
They have certainly improved both their page and their PR strategy. They have already raised over $5k today and we're still in the early hours of the morning; if this trend continues we're probably looking at getting at least $15-20k today; maybe more if they can release some good updates or interviews today. Currently I'm very optimistic but we'll see how things for over the next 4 weeks.