Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


Trump's Staff
Just pointing out Denaut raised a straw man. There is no group of young devs making an MMO.

I'm rather tired of people raising issues that I pointed out before this kickstarter begin as if they are sharing some unique insight.

Denaut buddy we know Brad can't produce, we know about the lack of programmers, we know about the poorly run kickstarter. But if this doesn't get funded your young devs in a garage won't ever show up because they will think no market exists.
Young people making games of all kinds, of which there are plenty. Instead ridiculous amounts of money go to people like Mark Jacobs, and Richard Garriot. They've had their 2nd and 3rd shots. It is just throwing good money after bad.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I hate to be the bearer of bad news (ok not really), but what you want will never exist again, sorry. Brad isn't making it with Pantheon, even though you keep telling yourself that, and neither will anyone else ever.

What you want is to go back in time when MMORPGs were a new and exciting medium that was totally unexplored, full of magic and mystery. You want to be young again and re-experience your first kiss. That isn't, nor will it ever, happen. It can't. Mimicking poorly designed mechanics will not return you to a state of online gaming naivety, it will just make for a bad game.
I don't disagree about the first kiss thing being over.. I will say each game allows for a different experience.. EQ has a lot of fond memories for me but so does vanilla wow.. People also look to VG with fond memories. I think where people are hopeful about the kind of game they think this can be.: that's different for every person.. But, like I said, if they do dungeons well and put in a fun class/combat system, fun times will be had.


King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>
Why do you all give a fuck, it was going to pledge great, if he wasn't that's cool too. It's no skin off anyone's balls here at fucking all.The only thing I think is a fucking joke was the fact kickstarter even contacted him in the first fucking place, unless they sent an email out to everyone to changed or pulled their pledge then it should never of been an issue. Also you say nobody would donate at the start of a kickstarter? Yes they would precisely because they can change their mind. Lets say there is a tier with few slots for rewards like this 10k one with 3 openings. You might hop on it when first launched thinking there would be more than made up fairytale bullshit, after a few days you realize hey wait a minute I am getting fucked here and pull your cash. Either way it doesn't fucking matter. I can only hope the last 10k gets pulled so everyone here loses their shit and starts crying about it.
That is exactly my thoughts every time you post the same drivel over and over every page or two.Why do you give a fuck since you obviously aren't pledging?

No intelligent donor is going to donate real money to such a poorly thought out and displayed project. Now, a giant troll who wanted attention? Sure, just like you rehashing the same old tired shit every one to two pages in this thread is a desperate attempt at attention. You don't want to pledge. I got that 60 pages ago just like the other drivel you've posted since. I want KS to contact a very large donor when a KS has had pledges jump up and down several times during that day. KS wants legitimacy which is the exact OPPOSITE of a_skeleton_03's pledge. He just got called out on it like he should have. Now go back to crying for attention please.


Trump's Staff
Seconded. Not sure what the fuck Denaut is going on about. Take a glance at some of the most successful Kickstarter projects, they're based around retro game design and a lot of them are fucking great. It's such a weird, flawed and way too common logic.
I don't (or haven't been rather) follow this thread very closely, but nearly all of the Tad's posts that I read were about the glory days when things were better just because. OT/DT and non-instanced dungeons are a tiny part of what he prattles on about.


Elisha Dushku
Seconded. Not sure what the fuck Denaut is going on about. Take a glance at some of the most successful Kickstarter projects, they're based around retro game design and a lot of them are fucking great. What a weird tangent to go on.
The weird post is word for word (almost) from on old fohguild post. Denaut is trolling, I like how his initial post was "I sure don't like talkn' smack but" and then proceeds to slam brad with info we are already know about.


Elisha Dushku
I don't (or haven't been rather) follow this thread very closely, but nearly all of the Tad's posts that I read were about the glory days when things were better just because. OT/DT and non-instanced dungeons are a tiny part of what he prattles on about.
Okay, who are you really? Itzena? Fess up.


Trump's Staff
I don't disagree about the first kiss thing being over.. I will say each game allows for a different experience.. EQ has a lot of fond memories for me but so does vanilla wow.. People also look to VG with fond memories. I think where people are hopeful about the kind of game they think this can be.: that's different for every person.. But, like I said, if they do dungeons well and put in a fun class/combat system, fun times will be had.
I'm not saying that they "can't" put it together, I am just saying that the experience won't be like EQ. It would be like Rift, or Vanguard, or and of the dozens of EQ clones people put out in the last 15 years. Making a new one is pointless. If any old school MMO deserves a reboot it wouldn't be something that has already had dozens of them like EQ, but something that hasn't already been tried many times like UO.


I hate to be the bearer of bad news (ok not really), but what you want will never exist again, sorry. Brad isn't making it with Pantheon, even though you keep telling yourself that, and neither will anyone else ever.

What you want is to go back in time when MMORPGs were a new and exciting medium that was totally unexplored, full of magic and mystery. You want to be young again and re-experience your first kiss. That isn't, nor will it ever, happen. It can't. Mimicking poorly designed mechanics will not return you to a state of online gaming naivety, it will just make for a bad game.
It's not nostalgia or rose-colored glasses. Like I said previously, there's a reason the LtTP remake was game of the year. It's because retro game design is just plain fucking better than the new steaming piles this industry serves up.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Just pointing out Denaut raised a straw man. There is no group of young devs making an MMO.

I'm rather tired of people raising issues that I pointed out before this kickstarter begin as if they are sharing some unique insight.

Denaut buddy we know Brad can't produce, we know about the lack of programmers, we know about the poorly run kickstarter. But if this doesn't get funded your young devs in a garage won't ever show up because they will think no market exists.
So Brad kick starter is the last bastion of hope for the young generation of MMO devs to be fucking please hyperbole much... If Brad doesn't get funded the industry well wash its collective hands of that hack and keep rolling on what did zenimax pay for eso, EA for Swtor..shit if you need to see if a market is still there for a relic designer look at MJ kickstarter obviously a market is still there just not for hacks..


Trump's Staff
It's not nostalgia or rose-colored glasses. Like I said previously, there's a reason the LtTP remake was game of the year. It's because retro game design is just plain fucking better than the new steaming piles this industry serves up.
I love retro games, and retro designs. Hell I am working on one right now. That doesn't mean that every aspect of every retro game is good. And EQ is hardly a "retro" game. It has had more iterations than just about any other style of online game in the past 15 years.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Damn Boozecube, can you point on the dolly where Brad and kickstarter touched you?
Boozecube just trolls. Same post spammed over 40 pages. Him and like 4 others. I like Ut calling out bullshit but all these Johnny come lately guys just trying to shit this thread into the shaw


So Brad kick starter is the last bastion of hope for the young generation of MMO devs to be fucking please hyperbole much... If Brad doesn't get funded the industry well wash its collective hands of that hack and keep rolling on what did zenimax pay for eso, EA for Swtor..shit if you need to see if a market is still there for a relic designer look at MJ kickstarter obviously a market is still there just not for hacks..
No one has mentioned anything outside of EQN even considered for production. Which means we won't see anything for at least 5-6 years. What does that tell you? It means the likely scenario is what I've been saying: we won't see anything for the next decade, til 2024, or even beyond.

It's Brad or go home.


Elisha Dushku
Yes, that was the big one. The game hitches when chunking primarily (if I understood correctly) because the server has to pack up all of your character information and send it to the server handling the next chunk. This causes all sorts of wonkyness on the chunk lines with everything, especially players and NPCs.
No. It hitched because it had to load all the art assets from disc - no occlusion - when you chunked. That's why SSD help a ton with performance. There were other issues but this was the bug one.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I will note one thing though; all these people claiming that $800k is 'too small of a number' for an MMORPG to be built in 1-3 years are out of their minds. You get enough people that are passionate about their game in motion and stuff will start taking off. I mean, look at Minecraft; prime example of a low-budget game that hosts more players than most small MMORPGs on a single area, without even being an RPG and it also has poor design decisions. (java, flatfile saving, etc)

If you want to make a game that is like WoW then sure, you can throw money at it and people will make a game they're paid to make. If you want to make a game that will last forever, you spend as much time and do not cut corners for quality. Looking at EQ as an example, the flavor text itself seems like it was a labor of love between many developers. WoW was just a game designed to fix problems, not make a new world.
Not to piss in your cheerios, but vanilla WoW was a labour of love just as much as EQ was, if not more (the attention to detail was maniacal), with a larger budget a larger team and well known software house that has always delivered quality products. Saying WoW was justa game that tried to fix problems (which ironically enough was exactly what doomed EQ2 to having a low population forever) is wrong on many accounts. Also, 800k are nothing, unless these guys make a living in other ways and use this money only for assets, I don't see them publishing a shit, not even a playable alpha build.


EQ was a fluke, came out at the right time with a bunch of Dikumud nerds that just wanted a 3D world for there mud games.
Providing a project that people want and will buy isn't a fluke. If that is the case, then Windows is a fluke, the IPhone is a fluke, Android was a fluke, and so on and so on.


FPS noob
isn't pathfinder online an old school MMO, it went through 2 kickstarters (tech demo and then $1m funding to launch) including money from publishers, and it should be going into alpha sometime this year. dont know much about it so someone else will have to say whether its a old school MMO or something else.

the hyperbole of Brad being the last best hope is just silly, gaming is very cyclical and we have seen tons and tons of old school 80/90s RPGs being made via kickstarter in the last year, its inevitable that the focus will shift to DIKUs and MUDs eventually. You can actually find a few old school MMO kickstarters that tried last year (Project Gorgon, Shaker), but all failed in funding - just not the "right" time yet, probably soon after people are sick of Wildstar, TESO, and the latest wow xpac will people really look for better alternatives.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I'm not saying that they "can't" put it together, I am just saying that the experience won't be like EQ. It would be like Rift, or Vanguard, or and of the dozens of EQ clones people put out in the last 15 years. Making a new one is pointless. If any old school MMO deserves a reboot it wouldn't be something that has already had dozens of them like EQ, but something that hasn't already been tried many times like UO.
I've always respected your opinion dude. I know you're just trying to temper expectations.. I'll say the things that I enjoy in an mmo, like adventuring for a rare spell or epic are in this game.. We all have different reasons for why we play mine are much smaller than you would think but greatly overlooked by today's mmos.