Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


Elisha Dushku
Firstly, I was just giving an example.

Secondly, yes and I quite like it. I also tons of Global Agenda.
Just admit you don't know what you're talking about and call it a day. You are looking pretty stupid right now with the tps reference.


Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
Also while I think there are some folks who are stupid enough to expect that "first kiss" crap of EQ again, I think anyone here including myself knows that's not going to happen.

But I do know I want most of those types of mechanics , and a remade EQ or VG is still far ahead of ANYTHING currently out or coming out soon (including ESO and WS) for me. So nostalgic first crap aside , I enjoy mmo's , I specifically prefer little instancing , travel taking time , death penalties , open world trumping anything phased/instanced so on and so on. So for myself Pantheon (or a privately made mmo using the EQL tools ) really seems to be my main chances of getting something I enjoy.
To me, it's just having the feeling of being in a different world so to speak. While I think Vanilla WoW was an amazing game there was just something about EQ that always stuck out that no other game ever did. I think much of it had to do with the fact that you typically played in first person and you would actually feel like you were walking through a world, when you went out traveling to new places you were typically cautious because you never knew what might be around the next corner ready to stomp your shit. The fact that mobs weren't leashed and you could see a guy running past you with 50 pissed off gnolls on his tail so you better start booking it the fuck out of there as well made the game alive, which is something that no game sense even Vangaurd fully captured.

Sure the raids and the loot are always fun, and yes the raids in EQ where pretty much tank and spank boring, turn on auto attack and afk until Aten Ha Ra was dead so arguments about raid difficulty as dumb. Someone said WoW's hardmodes are harder.. Well no shit but that isn't why people were enamored with EQ. There was much more depth to EQ than many other games out there, that's what people are asking to experience again.

As much as people seem to think I hate Brad it isn't true, I do think he got lucky and nothing has ever shown that he knows how to manage or lead but what he does have that I do support is ideas and a vision. Idea guys are good to a point but they do need someone who can keep those ideas focused and who can bring that vision to life.


We are just going to have to disagree. People in general are incredibly bad at knowing what they really want or judging what will make them happy. Those running around Rerolled are much more astute and accurate about these things but even then we are all often very wrong.

People often behave in a way that is contrary to their words, usually without realizing it.
I played Ultima Online, EverQuest and every MMOG after it. I had more fun in P99 than most of WoW.

There's your answer.


King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>
If they wanted to re-create the class, but without directly stealing it, I think they'd have to make it more a necro-healer. Which, might end up being more fun than a Blood Mage, as then you'd add corpses and your pet into decisions about healing instead of just other players or your own health.
They could do a lot of different things going in that direction. Always wanted them to do more with necromancers in vanguard.


Trump's Staff
I would say a young group of devs in a garage would have quite a time of it. Mmogs are extremely complicated and so much knowledge and understanding was trios and error. If a group of guys who just started playing wow as their first mmog in 2008 , they are likely going to make a ton of errors that will impact the playability of any game they develop. There were thousands of decisions in wows development based off what happened in the games that came before it. I would be curious to see such a game to at least exploit the crap out of it.

The best development team would be mmog developer veterans mixed equally with a group of fresh young talent. That is likely where your best results will come from. I get nervous when the pantheon team or the Everquest next team are all portrayed as long time industry veterans. Thst is all most as bad as having a bunch of newbs with no history or experience with the games.

You need some of each for the best possible outcome.
This is actually quite true. The best projects are usually born from a mix of new and old people (there was a study of this involving Broadway plays). Too old and the project feels stodgy and unoriginal, too new and the project has too many problems and feels too amateurish. The most successful projects had a mix of veterans to keep things moving and new people to introduce fresh ideas.

That being said, about supporting new people, I was speaking to the industry as a whole, not MMORPGs in particular. In my opinion helping new guys get some experience under their belt being successful with smaller projects is the best chance we have to get something great.


P-Death is dead on about especially that intro video needing to be yanked and redone , quickly. If he does a video with Boogie , make the informal but informative video be the top of the page. That intro video looks like he's miserable and being forced to do the damn thing , anything but excited , and it it no way screams "give me money to make the game you want".


Golden Squire
This is the first rational response I have seen in a while. Yes, I am aware that I answer to myself when I code, and not management.

But see, that's where things like kickstarter actually make magic happen; You are able to make the game your team and community wants, not what the investors want. That's why I have high hopes for Pantheon and I assume I am not alone in my methodology.

All being said, I completely understand that viewpoint and I understand it does happen when money is thrown on the table and cannot be negated entirely. But that's the thing, you can negate having to change your game too much by going to kickstarter.
That's actually what has me worried - this ISN'T a true Kickstarter funded game. They've said so themselves many times. This is just to get the project started - the rest of the money (and by Brad's own estimates, another $7.2 million) comes from a different publisher or investor. Ten "industry vets", all of which probably ask for $70-120k salaries at a minimum + startup costs (office, furniture, equipment, etc) will be burned through in a matter of months.

That type of budget on what should be a small niche MMO, is directly due to what Denaut and Bertox were talking about - the team is way too lopsided on idea men instead of developers/engineers/people-that-produce-tangible-things.

So Kickstarter is definitely the way that us weirdo EQ lovers can get the MMO we want - but Brad and crew do not seem to understand it. By his own admission - they don't "get" Kickstarter.

(All this is of course contingent on the KS succeeding - and I still have my $100 pledge in just for the record. Although I keep asking myself "why" more and more.)


Young people making games of all kinds, of which there are plenty. Instead ridiculous amounts of money go to people like Mark Jacobs, and Richard Garriot. They've had their 2nd and 3rd shots. It is just throwing good money after bad.
Guys, including brad, who have previous created games that literally printed money versus people who have not made games. Seems like a tough challenge.

Daoc cost like 3 million dollars to make so Jacobs made a fortune. Garriot had succeed with UO and also massive success with the single player ultima line. Mcquaid helped delivered an eight million dollar game that went on to generate half a billion in profits.

You sound like a bitter developer. What game are you currently working on?


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
To me, it's just having the feeling of being in a different world so to speak. While I think Vanilla WoW was an amazing game there was just something about EQ that always stuck out that no other game ever did. I think much of it had to do with the fact that you typically played in first person and you would actually feel like you were walking through a world, when you went out traveling to new places you were typically cautious because you never knew what might be around the next corner ready to stomp your shit. The fact that mobs weren't leashed and you could see a guy running past you with 50 pissed off gnolls on his tail so you better start booking it the fuck out of there as well made the game alive, which is something that no game sense even Vangaurd fully captured.

Sure the raids and the loot are always fun, and yes the raids in EQ where pretty much tank and spank boring, turn on auto attack and afk until Aten Ha Ra was dead so arguments about raid difficulty as dumb. Someone said WoW's hardmodes are harder.. Well no shit but that isn't why people were enamored with EQ. There was much more depth to EQ than many other games out there, that's what people are asking to experience again.

As much as people seem to think I hate Brad it isn't true, I do think he got lucky and nothing has ever shown that he knows how to manage or lead but what he does have that I do support is ideas and a vision. Idea guys are good to a point but they do need someone who can keep those ideas focused and who can bring that vision to life.
I would say after watching the QnAs, he hasn't gone off the deep end. He's certainly not over promising anything, stops short of it at times. His vision for this game isn't overly complicated.. He's not setting out to innovate but only refine old mechanics and elaborate on a few things.


We are just going to have to disagree.People in general are incredibly bad at knowing what they really want or judging what will make them happy. Those running around Rerolled are much more astute and accurate about these things but even then we are all often very wrong.

People often behave in a way that is contrary to their words, usually without realizing it.
Sadly, it's this arrogant bullshit that has given us the current cesspool of boredom that we've got today and printed cash like it's air. You're not wrong Walter, you're just an asshole.

Like you said though, I don't think they're many here like that.


I agree. This first kiss argument is crap. Funny how I (however far in the minority I am) felt damn near the same way in Vanguard I did in EQ. The music in Hathor Zi was epic and the sounds of my slaying little critters, and running to the tents to sell my useless was damn near like killing rats and snakes in front of Qeynos and running around the corner to sell in that actually, yes, it can be done. Was it EQ? No, of course not, but I played the shit out of it and loved every second.
I also played GW2, for about 1 hour and hated it. So it is game mechanics rather then a hymen I'm after.
The first kiss argument is crap because you get a new first kiss with every different person you kiss. So it's possible to feel that excitement over and over. It only loses that zing when you're kissing the same person, year after year. I would argue it's more like chasing that first high. Besides, my first kiss was gawd-awful. Lots of nose-bump and glasses-smashing.

Whatever it is, it keeps people like us foaming at the mouth for just a whiff of every new MMORPG that comes out (and throwing our $ at them). We may NEVER get that "feeling" again, but we will continue to chase, regardless of how many people make sound and logical arguments against it.


To me, it's just having the feeling of being in a different world so to speak. While I think Vanilla WoW was an amazing game there was just something about EQ that always stuck out that no other game ever did. I think much of it had to do with the fact that you typically played in first person and you would actually feel like you were walking through a world, when you went out traveling to new places you were typically cautious because you never knew what might be around the next corner ready to stomp your shit. The fact that mobs weren't leashed and you could see a guy running past you with 50 pissed off gnolls on his tail so you better start booking it the fuck out of there as well made the game alive, which is something that no game sense even Vangaurd fully captured.

Sure the raids and the loot are always fun, and yes the raids in EQ where pretty much tank and spank boring, turn on auto attack and afk until Aten Ha Ra was dead so arguments about raid difficulty as dumb. Someone said WoW's hardmodes are harder.. Well no shit but that isn't why people were enamored with EQ. There was much more depth to EQ than many other games out there, that's what people are asking to experience again.

As much as people seem to think I hate Brad it isn't true, I do think he got lucky and nothing has ever shown that he knows how to manage or lead but what he does have that I do support is ideas and a vision. Idea guys are good to a point but they do need someone who can keep those ideas focused and who can bring that vision to life.
I agree , and also Merlin you aren't the only one about VG in your post , I enjoyed lots of the areas of VG scenery and music.

I'll throw out my very uncommon preference, and be prepared to get lol'd and shit on............ I honestly don't care about raids. There I said it.

Explanation , yes have raids, large hard dungeons and so on, but don't spend 50% of the development time on them. In EQ the amount of time I spent leveling , twinking an alt , buffing others , running around just looking for shit , far , far outweighs the overall time I spent in any plane. I think it would be ok for them to spend more time on the world , the leveling starting at the moment you log on, and so on , and not spend huge amounts of the development time for raid X at max level.

I realize I'm about to get the virtual rotten tomatoes thrown at me , and am ready :p

(also on the actual raids thing , I much prefer open world , bring 90 people if you want , the entire guild , have fun with it , if you can bring 20 and get it done great also , make that the challenge , the less people the better chance of loot , but zerg it also if you want with all your friends )


Potato del Grande
That doesn't mean that every aspect of every retro game is good. And EQ is hardly a "retro" game. It has had more iterations than just about any other style of online game in the past 15 years.
I've always appreciated your input as an industry veteran, because you sounded like one. But now, you're dipping into typical forum arguments. I understand you're just human like the rest of us who aren't sub-human, but parroting the bullshit the average fucktard on parrots isn't something to be proud of.

Unless you honestly think people mean every iteration of EQ when they talk about wanting certain, specific aspects from classic EQ. If that's the case, someone is either trolling on your account, you had a traumatic brain injury, or you just got sick of giving sound, insider perspectives that we've seen from you in the past and decided to go lowest-common-denominator on our asses.


Trump's Staff
Guys, including brad, who have previous created games that literally printed money versus people who have not made games. Seems like a tough challenge.

Daoc cost like 3 million dollars to make so Jacobs made a fortune. Garriot had succeed with UO and also massive success with the single player ultima line. Mcquaid helped delivered an eight million dollar game that went on to generate half a billion in profits.

You sound like a bitter developer. What game are you currently working on?
Not even a little, I've never been happier in my entire life than I am right now.

Their time has passed. They've all had second chances and shown their time is over. It isn't only the gaming industry that suffers from this, in the movie industry for every Scorsese that can keep making gold year after year into their 70s there are 10 Coppola's that haven't made a great movie since 1979 but keep getting money cause they have a name and connections.


Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
I would say after watching the QnAs, he hasn't gone off the deep end. He's certainly not over promising anything, stops short of it at times. His vision for this game isn't overly complicated.. He's not setting out to innovate but only refine old mechanics and elaborate on a few things.
No nothing he has promised has been off the deep end at all but that's mostly do to the fact that they don't really seem to know the details yet. They can't go into specifics because all they have is a vague outline in Brads head or maybe a few things on paper, but as a whole it's being made up on the fly, the class reveals should tell you that much. I would think before you start introducing classes, and lore, and a whole gamut of different aspects of the game, you would figure out the basics of the world. The core design, how they will utilize the game engine, the dungeon design, raiding, basically acting as the GM of your own little group. Then after you add the classes, the skills, the day and night cycles, resist gear, lore, ect., ect.

Mr Creed

Too old for this shit
It is more like EQ has been remade dozens of times. It has more iterations of it than any other kind of MMORPG. The current biggest budget MMORPGs coming out soon, TESO and Wildstar, are both iterations of EQ. If, after all these tries, despite all the money and effort being thrown at them, no one has been able to match how you feel about those old school games, maybe it isn't the games themselves.
Do you consider that you can take a product and iterate it in different directions? What you are saying about the last decade of WoW clones (which is an EQ clone itself) is true - but they generally change their designs in the same direction. Which might not the be the only route that could be taken with iteration of the DIKU. Personally, I dont enjoy the later generations of EQ games as much as the older ones because I value immersion highly, and newer games tend to shatter it more then old ones.

That's not to say this project is a paragon of immersion - that's impossible to say because they are making shit up as they go (which might be part of your point, but then you are just repeating what's been said a 1000 times over for 100s of pages during the last week). I'm more interested in what EQN can bring to the table in this regard to be honest, but that's a year away and the decision for this KS is made in the next weeks. Right now it's worth the money that would otherwise go to a likely crappy highly-interated movie (thanks Hollywood). If they can pull their shit together I'll even give them more, but I'm doubtful.


As usual Troy is coming up with better ideas than most of the internal team (even if I'm back in I'm still allowed to be snide and snarky , fuck the whole world thinks RR posters are evil incarnate and that image must be kept up).

He just posted these ideas for tiers , and I truly would bump from my 375 to the 450 instantly , and would consider the 800 heavily.

"Salim, make sure the new tiers added today include these:

$175: another in-game item: a shield

$225: another in-game item: a cosmetic illusion mask (like Guise of the Deceiver)

$400: name a building (like an Inn or Cleric's Guild or Store)

$450: both accounts you get have a lifetime $1 subscription

$800: get to tell us how the NPC you get to name should look in-game as well as any story behind the him/her and what type of zone he/she should appear in."