Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
Based on what? I admit, I don't study those Q&A's so I might have missed it. That would be disappointing though. Ihate hate hatesmaller raids with caps. It also makes a raid feel less epic the less people that are there. I want my 50-70 man raids again. I miss the entire guild raiding. Hell I even miss being screamed at when I log on late on raiding nights. Give me my angry raid leader again!
I miss the crazy server guild drama and loot whores that lead to shit like this. Fennin Ro server was always good times.



People are ignoring that projects fail all the fucking time - in any and every industry. Look at TOR. It actually made ship, but it's a failure on a level Vanguard could only have nightmares of.
Vanguard just announced it was shutting down after being run at a financial loss for the entirety of its seven-year run. SWTOR sold over a million boxed copies, went free-to-play, and since then has been making a strong amount of money for EA with regular patch and expansion content as a result.

Now SWTOR was a shit game with a shit engine (and I should know, as I was part of the world first raid team for 1.0 and 1.1 content which was a buggy ass mess), and it certainly failed to live up to the hype and dreams of gamers, but to call it a more of a failure than Vanguard is absolutely ridiculous.


This thread is getting beyond ridiculous lol.. Why is it every time things start looking up, it's dragged back down with speculation and hypotheticals? Stay on topic people! Lol.. Anyway predictions on combat doc?
Count me in this group. While pvp is whys I really want, from a pve standpoint is want group content over raids.

I don't really care much about raids either. I'd rather have awesome group content than awesome raid content.


Trump's Staff
Eventually you make the same dumb argument that seems dumb because a ton of dumb people have made it. Just like sometimes someone might mention off-hand they they liked most of the Luclin character models without really remembering that well, just not remembering vehemently hating them like a lot of people.

You just don't dig the hole deeper by rage-quitting and you come back to fight another day. Or people think you're a jackass, but at least can make fun of yourself and get some shred of respect for not backpedaling like a pussy after saying something stupid like liking Luclin models.

Right guys?! =D
I meant what I said. I think most people's attachment to EQ is nostalgia, and the minority where this isn't true are simply part of a niche that isn't big enough to support itself. I don't think a professionally made "Classic EQ" is viable, and if it is I don't think it would come from someone who has name recognition. For me Vanguard is enough (but not indisputable) evidence.

As a note, I rarely rage-quit threads. I am like ~8 hours ahead of most of the people here so I simply get tired and go to bed. When I get back to the thread the conversation has inevitably moved on and I don't see any point in voluntarily walking on broken glass again.


Elisha Dushku
Vanguard just announced it was shutting down after being run at a financial loss for the entirety of its seven-year run.
Yeah, don't buy into Smed's bullshit - expect better from RR posters. Just think about what you wrote for a second and feed it into your internal bullshit detector. What company would run a game for seven years at a loss? None. It was shutdown because COW broke shit that couldn't get fixed and Smed's FTP gambit failed miserably. VG paid for itself under the subscription model and blew up under the FTP model.


PoP was some fun times, then again we were one of two guilds with access to elemental plans for a long time which helped in making it not suck. Coirnav was also a pretty gay encounter, although I think Rathe Council still takes the cake for biggest cockblock in MMO history.
You bring up a good point. We had to bust our fucking asses to raid POP. And we did our "homework" so to speak. We didn't just stroll in and were handed those raids. We did our time in Ssraeshza, Umbral, and Vex Thal. We farmed gear to get everyone caught up. We had to up recruiting of yet MORE cleric and chanters. We organized permanent raid groups so everytime we went to raid, we knew exactly which group to be in, where to start, who the group and raid leaders were, and dropping and adding buffers as needed. We did the trials, spend our time in HOH, Zek, Torment, POF, etc. It was a job of sorts. It was a fucking gigantic time investment and you had to be on your game at all times.
That's why it pisses me off when I hear people go,"fuck that. Flagging is bs and POP sucked because it excluded people". Hey asshole, it didn't exclude a fucking person, your ass was lazy and or unable to commit the time and got left out. Tough shit. Those of us who played our asses off, got rewarded. Its not my fault your fucking lazy and want shit handed to you. I worked my ass off for it. Anyway, /rant off.


Elisha Dushku
I don't see any point in voluntarily walking on broken glass again.
Lol. You're such a drama queen.


King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>
Vanguard just announced it was shutting down after being run at a financial loss for the entirety of its seven-year run. SWTOR sold over a million boxed copies, went free-to-play, and since then has been making a strong amount of money for EA with regular patch and expansion content as a result.

Now SWTOR was a shit game with a shit engine (and I should know, as I was part of the world first raid team for 1.0 and 1.1 content which was a buggy ass mess), and it certainly failed to live up to the hype and dreams of gamers, but to call it a more of a failure than Vanguard is absolutely ridiculous.
Great post. Many people on these threads have a problem with reality. The reality is that WoW did much better than EQ because it was a much better game starting out and got worse just like EQ. SWToR was a bad game but Vanguard was a whole different level of bad. So bad that SOE didn't even want to fuck wit it. So bad that Brad went on a drug fueled hooker orgy to forget about it. So bad that years later, powerful desktops still can't run it very well. Vanguard had great IDEAS. It was pure shit as a game. You can find people that like anything in this world. That doesn't change reality though.


Great post. Many people on these threads have a problem with reality. The reality is that WoW did much better than EQ because it was a much better game starting out and got worse just like EQ. SWToR was a bad game but Vanguard was a whole different level of bad. So bad that SOE didn't even want to fuck wit it. So bad that Brad went on a drug fueled hooker orgy to forget about it. So bad that years later, powerful desktops still can't run it very well. Vanguard had great IDEAS. It was pure shit as a game. You can find people that like anything in this world. That doesn't change reality though.
Except that isn't reality whatsoever. See Tad's post.


Yeah, don't buy into Smed's bullshit - expect better from RR posters. Just think about what you wrote for a second and feed it into your internal bullshit detector. What company would run a game for seven years at a loss? None. It was shutdown because COW broke shit that couldn't get fixed and Smed's FTP gambit failed miserably. VG paid for itself under the subscription model and blew up under the FTP model.
Speaking of Bullshit, this post is it. It might have turned an initial small profit for Smed based on Brad's snow job selling it, but it's churn rate during it's sub time period was astronomical. Even being completely F2P, the servers remained completely barren. It doesn't take any stretch of mathematical logic to see it was impossible for Vanguard to be profitable the last few years.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Speaking of Bullshit, this post is it. It might have turned an initial small profit for Smed based on Brad's snow job selling it, but it's churn rate during it's sub time period was astronomical. Even being completely F2P, the servers remained completely barren. It doesn't take any stretch of mathematical logic to see it was impossible for Vanguard to be profitable the last few years.
They ran MXO for years also but I think that was under contract obligations


Elisha Dushku
Except that isn't reality whatsoever. See Tad's post.
Actually it was Khazad back on FoH and one a former Sigil dev (can't remember who sorry) that laid out exactly what was wrong with VG's engine - I'm just cut and pasting from memory. It's all about the I/O. Anyway, that's why, even if Smed were willing to sell the game, no one would buy it because it would require a whole new engine.


King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>
Except that isn't reality whatsoever. See Tad's post.
I saw it and disagree. I saw the fucking wasteland Vanguard was before it went FTP. I saw the wholesale exodus from gamers a few months in because it was a piece of shit. I saw how even FTP couldn't get a large community of gamers to still play the game. Sure, it made enough money to stay afloat and made a small profit over 7 years. It was a failure of epic proportions. I don't have to listen to smed to see or know that. I tried to play that PoS and even FTP didn't scratch my itch enough to go back to barely functioning MMO express.