Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


I'd settle for a vanguard approach to; grouping, long quest chains for unique loot, non instanced dungeons. Hell if they just released one fully complete vanguard continent I'd be happy. I suspect most others have different ideas.


New update is out. They talk about transferring the tiers over to the website, plus new ones but I don't even see where you can get information about the tiers.

ETA: NM, You have to click on each one. It's still some sort of bullshit that you have to pay at least $100 to post on their supporter forums.
Yeah I don't get it. I can't even get the tier / price I pledged on ks. Which is all I would even consider at this point on their website and pulling the trigger on that would require time, convincing and soul searching. I think in could get it for like twice as much but I am not sure.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Its a seamless transition from a chaotic, bad KS to a chaotic, bad website. What more can you ask for?


Buzzfeed Editor
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
And yet another email update using Kickstarter's resources to promote an alternative crowd funding site.

They can fuck themselves.
How can people honestly think that these unethical jagoffs have any intentions of working "hard"?


I pulled my pledge a little bit ago. The campaign has been over for a while, but rather than using that as an excuse to leave it there "because it won't deduct anyways," I decided against giving a backer count +1 and a small pledge sum. I was obviously incredibly excited about this whole project but over that past 40 days, like so many other people, that excitement was strangled any time it would rebuild by even a tiny bit. There's no way I can justify letting myself give imaginary money to a Kickstarter project that developers have given up on.

Every so often VR will comment about their hard work behind the scenes and if that's the case, they can get funded behind the scenes. They haven't got the slightest clue on how to run a Kickstarter campaign or crowd funding in general, and it's a fucking shame they didn't seek assistance before launching this. Dicking around with Unity assets isn't the transparency people keep talking about and more than half the team has gone completely ghost. Let me bring it up for the 30th time: where is your art? What's the last thing that was created for Pantheon besides hastily thrown together lore, brown class icons and some stock Unity crap? Is James truly on the team? Are people actually creating things? The best piece of anything Pantheon related is the ogre art created by some excited fan.

And all this talk about exposure is nonsense. I'd love to see the total page views because I bet there's plenty to have funded this fucker. People come in, see what's on the table, move on without pledging and never return. Removing myself from what Iwantedthis to be shows a project I would have never backed. That hurts to say because I was a total advocate in the beginning, but the illusion is gone. Tiers promise rewards that the Kickstarter pitch contradicts, the team doesn't appear to be all on the same page and half of them can't be bothered to seem excited about their project. Oh and as a pro-tip to VR: while community interaction is nice, you're bringing way more traffic to sites like the Rob and Dan show than they are to you. No offense to anyone, but they've got a tiny audience. That goes for KTAM, too.

I don't see any lessons being learned other, because the website is a mess. From taking money before they were even sure the money was being deposited to the right account to the completely jacked up layout and bad tiers. Sign me up for the people a bit offended by the $15 forum shit, too. The only people that will sub to that are the very people that have been absolutely toxic to the VR Kickstarter page. If they're giving feedback on what the game will be, count me out.

I'll get excited about Pantheon again when I'm given a reason to be excited. Get back with me when there's more to show.


Definitely NOT Furor Planedefiler
I reported them for shits and giggles but it's probably too late for them to respond in time anyway.


Creator Visionary Realms, Inc. 1 minute ago

thanks all for getting those last minute pledges in. we appreciate it

btw, I'll be here monitoring this for a bit if you have any questions.

At least he joined us all in the parking lot this time.


Molten Core Raider
Honestly, I think they should not build a world to start. I think they should create some kind of lobby game with complex grouping mechanics and dungeons you warp to and users could potentially create.

Start there, focus on that alone... then build a world around what you did before. 1. You get something out and a kickstarter ( start to finish ) is more real and 2. You don't have to take in a TON of capital from a publisher that will change your game much.

now that i think about it, if i were leading this thing that is what i would do assuming of course group mechanics is the one .. big .. thing.


Again, we are confusing interest with funding. You can interested in playing this type of game, that doesn't mean you're going to contribute a dime so the company can actually become 'a company' and start working. You're also confusing interest with belief that people think Brad can deliver what he's selling. Yes people want to play this kind of game, they just don't think this guy is capable of doing that.
Curiosity more than interest, even.

I think if they had a concise mission statement that outlined the scope of the game in harsh specifics people could have used that to share the word for the game. Then you might have been able to rally the 5k-10k people who realistically would pay to play the game.

Although I can even question that as there is not a clear and defined outline for the game. You can see people's expectations on the ks comments covered a huge swath of possibilities.

"This is a throwback massively multiplayer online role playing game that will utilize the benefits of modern technology. This player versus environment game will feature six unique classes and five races that will inhabit the world of blah blah. Adventuring will be entirely focused on cooperative game play requiring players to work together to accomplish their goals in the world. Grouping and guilds will be necessary to tackle the world and regular interactions with strangers and friends alike will be a requirement to survive and thrive in the harsh adventuring environment. The game will be focused entirely on adventuring and exploring the extremely dangerous world where you will explore magnificent and elaborate dungeons where only the best rewards will be found."

I am not claiming the above be about pantheon or that it was that well constructed. I wrote it off the top of my head. However it does show how you can set boundaries and expectations for what the game will and will not be. It clearly lays out it is a pve game where grouping is mandatory and interaction and reliance on others is requisite. It also clearly emphasizes it is for adventuring and phat lewtz are from dungeons. I ruled out pvp. Soloing and things like crafting just by explaining what the game will be.

They need SOMETHING like this that can sum up what will and will not be in the game in a fairly concise paragraph. Having supporters to guess what devs mean in a hundred different quotes and then disseminate that to others absolutely will not bring people with open wallets. And yes with finite dos and don'ts you absolutely will lose people. However you will also directly hit people who want the game described in whatever paragraph they use and who can then use the same paragraph to pitch the game to others.

We don't need wishy washy "we will see what happens in testing". In my example above none of those core ideas are things that would change due to testing. They would be the bedrock of the project. They need to concisely lay out the bedrock of this project and it has to be more than "A hardcore niche game with corpse dragging."


At least he joined us all in the parking lot this time.
Hehe. And he's got his priorities right this time.

Creator Visionary Realms, Inc. less than a minute ago

Rastin: it's already a full time job for most of the team, even tho they are not being paid. the money will help the team pay bills and hopefully soon get an office so we aren't working from home and my garage.


Blackwing Lair Raider
If you even consider what kind of road they're on now (assuming it fails of course). They need to start from 0 to basically just get enough money to start paying people. The actual work, the game design and all that doesn't even really get started until then. Everything up to this point has been ideas, some lore and some pieces of art from deviant art. The game itself hasn't even started yet and will not start until there's money in place. It's a forgone conclusion that the private site is going to have a hell of a harder time raising even what the KS did, if for no other reason the private site is basically a copy paste of whats on KS and obviously people weren't moved by the KS to donate to that. Brad has found himself in literally the exact same position he was with Sigil when MS pulled funding, with even less to sell than that. The number one thing that has caused this to fail is Brad has not surrounded himself with the kind of people that would make this successful. Any moron will tell you that it takes more than developers to not only make a game, but to fund it, market it, etc. There is a whole business side to this and it's been put on the shoulders of Brad McQuaid to manage that. So far the management has been about as poor as you can get, if judging from this KS.
Also, I know it was said already but if "Bill" from the KS comments can draw something like this in "about an hour"...
Damn, that's a pretty sweet Ogre.

Anyway, yeah I kinda agree that what they presented in Unity wasn't all that impressive. I did the below deatmatch map in a couple days while learning CryEngine 2 editor for a work project and I'm not even an artist on the project, just a programmer. Pretty much anyone can slap together a decent looking map with modern game editors and some prefabs. That's why static game scenery shots aren't even worth releasing imho, unless they are absolutely amazing.




Bronze Knight of the Realm
Creator Visionary Realms, Inc. 20 minutes ago
As long as people re-pledge and as long as we secure some funding (looks extremely promising at the moment) we'll be good.

So, investor funding right around the corner?


Creator Visionary Realms, Inc. 8 minutes ago
Jake: unlikely we will do another kickstarter... that ship has sailed. the focus right now is pledges and subs from the web site, and then right now speaking with angel investors (other investors and publishers later if needed).


Golden Knight of the Realm
What a shit show

Creator Visionary Realms, Inc. 4 minutes ago
Ketriana: we messed up with the mounts and had them up there before the design team had fully fleshed out the travel and vehicle systems. Right now we're not offering mounts at all. It will all make sense when we've revealed and are talking about vehicles in general.

RE: @Brad How would you like us to contact you regarding the conversion of Kickstarter Tiers to Tiers on the website?
Creator Visionary Realms, Inc. 11 minutes ago
Thomas: it's on the site. If it's an add-on issue, hang tight until we announce what's up with add-ons. if it's a tier that was on KS but then was used up or removed, then you need to contact us. I believe it's[email protected]/* <![CDATA[ */!function(t,e,r,n,c,a,p){try{t=document.currentScript||function(){for(t=document.getElementsByTagName('script'),e=t.length;e--;)if(t[e].getAttribute('data-cfhash'))return t[e]}();if(t&&(c=t.previousSibling)){p=t.parentNode;if(a=c.getAttribute('data-cfemail')){for(e='',r='0x'+a.substr(0,2)|0,n=2;a.length-n;n+=2)e+='%'+('0'+('0x'+a.substr(n,2)^r).toString(16)).slice(-2);p.replaceChild(document.createTextNode(decodeURIComponent(e)),c)}p.removeChild(t)}}catch(u){}}()/* ]]> */