Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


Musty Nester
I wonder if Worship is a better drug than Vicodin.

Someone should email brad. This is the kind of question that anyone outside the echo chamber is interested in!


Lord Nagafen Raider
Oh man some of these retard fanboys are butthurt as possible. Apparently, it's the fault of everyone else that the kickstarter didn't fund because Brad McQ is a god.

Holy shit where did you find this clown? I'm shocked even though I know I shouldn't be! He's seriously blaming the posters and praising the devs for their hard work and tireless efforts!

Hard work and tireless effort of not posting on their KS page for days. 54 updates but how many of them were fleshed out concepts or ideas ABOUT THE GAME? A couple paragraphs about lore is fine for 1 update but not using it and spreading it across 10 updates to make it seem like you're doing more.

Make no mistake, I'm a fan of this type of game and I believe they have the right vision. To say "they did all that they could and gave it their all" is a complete joke.


King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>
Oh man some of these retard fanboys are butthurt as possible. Apparently, it's the fault of everyone else that the kickstarter didn't fund because Brad McQ is a god.

Booze, that video was comedic gold. Keep it coming if you can. The delusion is strong with that one master Brad!


My God the amount of rage and blind love for this kickstarter is amazing. Someone actually made a rant video about a game that had like 4 shitty screenshots and that's it.


Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
Brad McQuaid_sl said:
Your kickstarter pledge will NOT be charged and the kickstarter is over. We need people to gotoPantheon: Rise of the Fallen - Landing Page
and please re-pledge!
Brad McQuaid_sl said:
If you already pledged on KS for Pantheon, please go toPantheon: Rise of the Fallen - Landing Page
and re-pledge. The site is open and ready to accept Paypal!
Brad McQuaid_sl said:
The Kickstarter may be over, but with a crowd of 3157 backers and over $460k pledged, the dream lives on! Visit us at
Brad McQuaid (Aradune) on Twitter


Did anyone inform that that they don't get that $460k?


Not that I was going to re-pledge, but I noticed the 45 dollar level no longer includes alpha access. Just seems lame that they aren't the same rewards.


King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>
Brad McQuaid (Aradune) on Twitter


Did anyone inform that that they don't get that $460k?
He's hoping there was less optimistic integrity and more deluded fanboisim. Truthfully, he probably has at least 500-1000 morons that will support anything he does and I think that's plenty. A good cult leader can work with far less than that. Now he needs to start pimping out his followers and siphoning off their family's funds. He's probably too disorganized to even accomplish this so I might need to offer my services.


Brad kinda reminds me of an old musician.

Back in the 70's or 80's he was on a roll. He eventually fell but his legacy always lives on. Every 10 years or so he pops into the picture to remind people but nothing he does ever lives up to his original work. Everyone soon forgets and he fades again for another 10 years or so.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Brad kinda reminds me of an old musician.

Back in the 70's or 80's he was on a roll. He eventually fell but his legacy always lives on. Every 10 years or so he pops into the picture to remind people but nothing he does ever lives up to his original work. Everyone soon forgets and he fades again for another 10 years or so.
Alice in Chains =(


King Turd of Shit Hill
<Gold Donor>
Dr Neir,

Bravo! Some of you guys are amazingly inventive. I LOL'ed as I read that.

Dumar! It is Brad's most desperate hour! Whereforth is thy bank account dear Dark Knight Of Terminus?!


<Gold Donor>
I pulled my pledge a little bit ago. The campaign has been over for a while, but rather than using that as an excuse to leave it there "because it won't deduct anyways," I decided against giving a backer count +1 and a small pledge sum. I was obviously incredibly excited about this whole project but over that past 40 days, like so many other people, that excitement was strangled any time it would rebuild by even a tiny bit. There's no way I can justify letting myself give imaginary money to a Kickstarter project that developers have given up on.

Every so often VR will comment about their hard work behind the scenes and if that's the case, they can get funded behind the scenes. They haven't got the slightest clue on how to run a Kickstarter campaign or crowd funding in general, and it's a fucking shame they didn't seek assistance before launching this. Dicking around with Unity assets isn't the transparency people keep talking about and more than half the team has gone completely ghost. Let me bring it up for the 30th time: where is your art? What's the last thing that was created for Pantheon besides hastily thrown together lore, brown class icons and some stock Unity crap? Is James truly on the team? Are people actually creating things? The best piece of anything Pantheon related is the ogre art created by some excited fan.

And all this talk about exposure is nonsense. I'd love to see the total page views because I bet there's plenty to have funded this fucker. People come in, see what's on the table, move on without pledging and never return. Removing myself from what Iwantedthis to be shows a project I would have never backed. That hurts to say because I was a total advocate in the beginning, but the illusion is gone. Tiers promise rewards that the Kickstarter pitch contradicts, the team doesn't appear to be all on the same page and half of them can't be bothered to seem excited about their project. Oh and as a pro-tip to VR: while community interaction is nice, you're bringing way more traffic to sites like the Rob and Dan show than they are to you. No offense to anyone, but they've got a tiny audience. That goes for KTAM, too.

I don't see any lessons being learned other, because the website is a mess. From taking money before they were even sure the money was being deposited to the right account to the completely jacked up layout and bad tiers. Sign me up for the people a bit offended by the $15 forum shit, too. The only people that will sub to that are the very people that have been absolutely toxic to the VR Kickstarter page. If they're giving feedback on what the game will be, count me out.

I'll get excited about Pantheon again when I'm given a reason to be excited. Get back with me when there's more to show.
Great post. I'm glad the KS is over now so I can just move on. Such a huge disappointment. I'm fairly certain that the team never existed in the first place and this was all just a bunch of smoke while they looked for jobs. It's pretty clear that no work has been done on the game beyond what's been shown in the Kickstarter.


Von Clippowicz
<Prior Amod>
You have become better at begging (1)
You have become better at begging (2)
You have become better at begging (3)
You have become better at begging (4)

Brad McQuaid_sl said:
@Velnox_Enigma We need $8M-$10M to make the game & more for expansions & major updates. This money will come from crowdfunding & investors.
Brad McQuaid_sl said:
@LemonKingi We really are -- the site is up & rocking & interest from investors is coming in as well!
Brad McQuaid_sl said:
@Riderofrohan It's a setback, but with the way the pledges and re-pledges are coming in, it won't be much of a setback.
Brad McQuaid_sl said:
@Leto @PantheonRotF and then head toPantheon: Rise of the Fallen - Landing Pageand re-pledge -- @PantheonRotF is reborn!
Brad McQuaid_sl said:
@EQOAnostaIgia We learned a while ago not to let that stuff get to us. We appreciate your video too.Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen - Landing Pageto re-pledge!
Brad McQuaid_sl said:
@PaganRites @ShayalynTTH we are indeed -- please head toPantheon: Rise of the Fallen - Landing Pageand pledge or re-pledge -- thanks!
Also who is this mystery investor they keep talking about.


My guess is "You have ruined your own lands, you will not ruin mine!"



Only mystery investor I can think of is some executive at SoE that is hoping for another EQ so they can buy it up later on.