Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
There are at least a few good posters such as PhoneticHalo that have become Gold members. I'll probably also join at some point to once they start accepting payments through someone other than paypal. I want this game to be made and actually be good and the thing the team needs least right now are a bunch of fawning fanbois that they can do no wrong. They need people that can be critical thinkers that will hold their feet to the fire and let them know when they are screwing up.
I still don't know, do the subs accumulate?? I'll be heading over there at some point.


I still don't know, do the subs accumulate?? I'll be heading over there at some point.
I sent an email to Ben with a few questions about their new website though I didn't ask that question in particularly. I don't think the forum access accumulates since I don't see anything that would suggest that it does. However most pledge packages do offer forum access and the more expensive packages offer the premium access so if you were planning an pledging you'll be given forum access anyway.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
250$ plege is probably the best&cheapest option to get Apprentice Developer Access for the duration of development (and you get the finished game+lifetime sub, etc...). At least if you are serious enough about the game

Also, they said (in the KS comments section?) that the pledge prices will increase regularly, so the earlier you pay the cheaper it will be...


Trakanon Raider
Writing 5th grade level fantasy stories on napkins at the closest Waffle House doesn't really constitute as in development imo.

Oddly enough nobody has even mentioned just how fucking bad the lore on that kickstarter was.
as much as i wanted to see this game get funded and made, i agree; the lore was pretty god awful. i mean, even the name terminus makes the game sound like it's on life support.


250$ plege is probably the best&cheapest option to get Apprentice Developer Access for the duration of development (and you get the finished game+lifetime sub, etc...). At least if you are serious enough about the game

Also, they said (in the KS comments section?) that the pledge prices will increase regularly, so the earlier you pay the cheaper it will be...
Hahahabaha... how the fuck can they make it any more expensive than it already is? My god this is a new level of monetary craziness.


Blackwing Lair Raider
It still continues to be mismanaged. The tiers are confusing as hell and still not really clarified. No counter on how much they've raised so far, etc etc.


Quote Originally Posted by kudos View Post

Oddly enough nobody has even mentioned just how fucking bad the lore on that kickstarter was.Writing 5th grade level fantasy stories on napkins at the closest Waffle House doesn't really constitute as in development imo.

Mr Creed;592276 said:
The lore was lamented at the start, but quickly overshadowed by their blunders and incompetence.

According this this chick, she's writing the lore for them??
In my spare time in real life after being a mom, wife and HR manager, I'm a novel writer/author type person.
To this end, I offered Tony some help way back when the KS started and he took me up on it.
So, my intro title is accurate, I do write lore (well, not ALL the lore). I've dabbled in the War Letters, Aema Karda Ballad and the Sancturm's Curse -so far. I use my enchanter powers to convince Tony he needs to let me write stuff


TragedyAnn;592372 said:
Quote Originally Posted by kudos View Post

Oddly enough nobody has even mentioned just how fucking bad the lore on that kickstarter was.Writing 5th grade level fantasy stories on napkins at the closest Waffle House doesn't really constitute as in development imo.

The lore was lamented at the start, but quickly overshadowed by their blunders and incompetence.

According this this chick, she's writing the lore for them??
In my spare time in real life after being a mom, wife and HR manager, I'm a novel writer/author type person.
To this end, I offered Tony some help way back when the KS started and he took me up on it.
So, my intro title is accurate, I do write lore (well, not ALL the lore). I've dabbled in the War Letters, Aema Karda Ballad and the Sancturm's Curse -so far. I use my enchanter powers to convince Tony he needs to let me write stuff
At this point it just seems like a group of idiots on gaia forum got together and decided they could make an mmo. It doesn't have any semblance of professionalism at all.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
I was thinking this was Rickshaw'd too quickly, but the more I read the more I think it should be here.

That one dude saying it was the best video game customer service he ever had? I guess it's pretty easy to service your customers when there is literally no product to even worry about yet(ever?).

Big Flex

Fitness Fascist
I was worried, I felt like I no where to post, like I had lost my home.

But then I saw this thread. Don't shaw this bitch, because..



From now on you're either an Apprentice Developer or Supporter. If only we could COLORIZE our titles on the forum.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
this isnt good enough! no point for a second thread. I'll be posting in the rickshaw i guess

edit.. locked. da fuck! I'm going to neckbeard heaven