Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO

Big Flex

Fitness Fascist
From the official site, lol'd.


Big Flex

Fitness Fascist
They just need an under construction sign now to complete the sadness.
I want all of the 1990's geocities/angelfire personal web page trappings.

Under construction animated gif, maybe some torch animated gifs, a counter, maybe even a web ring to affiliated sites. Frames or no frames, your choice.


Elisha Dushku
I want all of the 1990's geocities/angelfire personal web page trappings.

Under construction animated gif, maybe some torch animated gifs, a counter, maybe even a web ring to affiliated sites. Frames or no frames, your choice.
MySpace was the best. Facebook is some 2004 era Naziesque blue and white mod bullshit.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Why did the other post get rickshawed and yet this one did not? At least the other one had the possibility of an MMO being generated. What is this post going to talk about that is going to be any different from the previous post?

Why not just call this post " The Fall of Brad" as it is painfully apparent that no MMO is going to be made. Since this section deals with MMOs and not people(Unless they are making an MMO and he is not), we could then move it into the subject line of General.


A new thread for a new attitude!! <3 <3 <3

Brad, it's safe to come back now! All the bitter haters are gone!! Join us, Brad!
I know that I am personally very happy about how this has all come together. I love interacting with players in forums, answering questions and discussing next-gen MMO ideas. But it's hard oftentimes, because when I go and devote a lot of time to one site or another, people from all over show up. Most are friendly and add to the experience,but then the inevitable trolls show up as well and really hurt the signal to noise ratio. Eventually I have to move on.
He won't be back.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I think its funny they are considered trolls, for the most part it was his company's execution and work that provided the "noise". Do a better job and then you can say things like "it's just trolls".


Aww man, I was really getting hyped on GroupQuest, but now that shit got deleted. All that work gone, and we had just gotten resist gear and actual images of a new class...something Pantheon has not even done yet!


I miss reading developer Q&A in our forum and vague "wait and see" comments. Why does this community bite the hand and outright troll the significant personalities. :-(


Trump's Staff
I miss reading developer Q&A in our forum and vague "wait and see" comments. Why does this community bite the hand and outright troll the significant personalities. :-(
...uhhhh 'significant personalities' who actually do good work and don't shovel bullshit tend to do quite well here. Hartsman seems to not have many problems with trolls over in his thread. Wonder why that is?


Definitely NOT Furor Planedefiler
...uhhhh 'significant personalities' who actually do good work and don't shovel bullshit tend to do quite well here. Hartsman seems to not have many problems with trolls over in his thread. Wonder why that is?
I thought he was being sarcastic.

Lost Ranger_sl

...uhhhh 'significant personalities' who actually do good work and don't shovel bullshit tend to do quite well here. Hartsman seems to not have many problems with trolls over in his thread. Wonder why that is?
Grave doesn't get shit on either and he was part of 38 Studios. It just shows how out of touch with reality so many people are. We don't run developers off. We embrace developers who are honest and just want to talk shop. Developers who just want to hype up their product, lie to us, and use us for free advertisement? Yeah we lay into those assholes and it is no loss when they finally run away. Brad and Curt are not even a small loss.


Buzzfeed Editor
Why did the other post get rickshawed and yet this one did not?
The other thread has a gif of a guy shooting himself in the balls. It obviously was the peak of symbolism for that thread and anything after would have just drug the epic down. So it was sent to the great shaw in the sky and the afterbirth is here.