Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


And the result was a couple of guys saying they will pledge. Wow! (pardon the pun). Obviously VR people can't (should not) post on official boards, but you guys could help out there big time!

Thanks in advance

btw, we're working on a reward system for people who've gone out of their way to help spread the word, on this site and else where. I don't have any details yet, but I thought I should bring up our intent to do this ASAP. You guys have been a HUGE part of this and we are deeply indebted to you.
That's really nice of you, Brad. There were a couple folks who really shouldered the load in the first 36 hours. Not sure where we'd be if they didn't step up.


Semi-pro Monopoly player
I posted over in the Star Citizen other games forums...just in case we can snag any of the deep pocket space people.

Also, EQN Landmark alpha forums is covered. (As well as Eq2flames.)


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
I'll officially be in today after getting paid.
Realize that the Kickstarter payment doesn't get taken until the KS is done. So if you're strapped for money, it will be money that leaves you account/credit card/etc in 36 days.

Kicktraq latest:



Lord Nagafen Raider
I was considering going in, but decided not to. I don't see it succeeding and matching expectations.

In my opinion the game can't be made for 800K, and there need to be more of a business plan.
If the concept was something like, we have investors willing to pay X for each Y donated in the kickstarter, i could see it working.

Also it seems to me the required passion isn't there anymore.


Blackwing Lair Raider
They do not take the money until the kickstarter is over. They don't even check to see if you got it. You can pledge whenever you choose.
I'm curious about this. If this is how it works, how does that prevent people from not gaming the system? Like someone can pledge the full KS goal amount? On top of that, what if the 22nd comes and it turns out that KS cannot collect enough funds to reach goal (say it barely passes). Then what, it fails?

Another question, if this ultimately fails (not from reaching this goal but any of the other stretch goals to the point where they cannot make the game), does this prove to publishers that there isn't enough value to justify making this type of game since there isn't enough of the market interested in it?


Has there been any discussion about a reddit AMA? I have seen it suggested a couple times, but haven't seen Brad comment on that.


Semi-pro Monopoly player
I was considering going in, but decided not to. I don't see it succeeding and matching expectations.

In my opinion the game can't be made for 800K, and there need to be more of a business plan.
If the concept was something like, we have investors willing to pay X for each Y donated in the kickstarter, i could see it working.

Also it seems to me the required passion isn't there anymore.
Pledging and collecting are two different areas. As long as it reaches the goal , they try to collect....assume 10 percent waste due to "Not enough funds" in account. I would bet out of the 800k...after fees and taxes need to be paid, you have 500k to work with.


I just don't see anything but a really bad name, really generic cop-out 'new world' lore, and a bunch of "yeah it will be like those old games" answers to every gameplay questions.

In essence it's fluff, but instead of the shit all the people who make WoW clones tell us, they are just telling us the opposite. I really want to hear design specifics from these so-called veterans, things that will get me excited. Paint me a picture of what I would be doing in your game, not this "group focused with a focus on groups" bullshit. Instead it's a whole lot of platitudes and buzzwords.

Tell me what old MMOs did, what new MMOs don't do, and what Pantheon does. Not 15 bulletpoints of "immersive gameplay" "a big world"

And the stretch goals are pathetic, races and classes as goals? That just tells me they have no real conviction in the world they are building and its lore


<Bronze Donator>
It's gonna be hard to reach the goal without some more concrete guidelines for what the game is going to be. Some physical evidence of work on the game would go a long way, which sadly may be out of question.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
I was considering going in, but decided not to. I don't see it succeeding and matching expectations.

In my opinion the game can't be made for 800K, and there need to be more of a business plan.
If the concept was something like, we have investors willing to pay X for each Y donated in the kickstarter, i could see it working.

Also it seems to me the required passion isn't there anymore.
WoW. I am impressed with your conciseness. In 5 small sentences you word exactly what I have tried to say in at least 4 too-long, rambling posts.

I will still be following this KS: maybe Brad can give more specifics over the next 30 days, including some financial back-up plan. Also, he really needs to put up a simple 30-35-dollar tier that gives a digital download + beta.


... Paint me a picture of what I would be doing in your game, not this "group focused with a focus on groups" bullshit. Instead it's a whole lot of platitudes and buzzwords.

Tell me what old MMOs did, what new MMOs don't do, and what Pantheon does. Not 15 bulletpoints of "immersive gameplay" "a big world"...
I think this is good critique. Are they able to change their Kickstarter video/layout? I'm sure Brad has learned some huge lessons about Over Promising/Under Delivering, but I agree that there should be some type of narrative about the vision and what my adventures in Terminus will look like.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Has there been any discussion about a reddit AMA? I have seen it suggested a couple times, but haven't seen Brad comment on that.
I put a reddit AMA request up with Brads contact information, not sure how it gets going though but its posted.