Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I did. Someone else brought it back up again so I agreed.

With that said there are so many shills here coming out of the wood work it is ridiculous. Use your heads people.
It's really fucking nice you have yet another thing to get hung on about for three more pages, I find the revelation of there being some pay through the nose for source code access to be absolutely uninteresting and in no way give a fucking shit about it. Might as well asking him why he doesn't have the studio on the moon to save office rent and he responds "we can't go to the moon" and then you swoop in like fucking Sherlock Holmes and link Apollo 11.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Well he's either right about the revenue share or Brad didn't even take the time to explore his engine options because he was flat out wrong about Hero, which despite some big budget failures is a pretty goddamn powerful tool for MMORPG construction.

So I guess which is worse, not performing that basic level of diligence at such an early stage of development or already starting with the lies. Either way, how is anyone supposed to have confidence in this project
Perfectly said.


So one thing that has thrown me through a loop are the people on the fence.. Just way too many people with the wait and see attitude before they back.. Hopefully that will change but it might not be until the 800k.. After that the KS could see a surge. Getting the 800k might be harder then doubling the 800k heh
I wrote a nice post about this on Massively last night, basically stating that I had donated, and that anyone that had been dreaming of an old school mmo should toss some money at the KS. Basically the old "for the cost 5 Latte's you could help fund the game" argument.

Massively deleted it within 2 minutes. Guess they are having a hard time getting over a negative remark I made on one of their "all games are sexist" posts...


Lord Nagafen Raider
I would be willing to put down some cash if i saw some commitment.

Take down the kickstarter, work on it a few months, put it back up with content showing some effort. Perhaps even wait till there is an early pre-alpha.

Starting up something new and relatively big is rarely a gravy train, and for something like this the developers need to put something in the pot first.
The whole "cash up front before i put in real effort", doesn't fill the sails for me. Most startups requires some work-for-free or the like to get off the ramp.

This is the polar opposite of Curt Schilling, who invested in his dream, and then lacked what it took to carry it all the way.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
It's really fucking nice you have yet another thing to get hung on about for three more pages, I find the revelation of there being some pay through the nose for source code access to be absolutely uninteresting and in no way give a fucking shit about it. Might as well asking him why he doesn't have the studio on the moon to save office rent and he responds "we can't go to the moon" and then you swoop in like fucking Sherlock Holmes and link Apollo 11.
Last time I swooped in like Sherlock Holmes I told them all vanguard didn't have anything in the game that was being mentioned by Brad's pipe dreams and the utter disarray Sigil Games was in. So the same resounding thud of hands on ears saying I was insane. You may not care, I don't give a shit. I still post the truth.
Pledge average has RISEN to $120 per. That is a SOLID average that I am betting many games would love to just need the numbers.
That is a really great average. It shows that the tiers in the $200-600 range are really working for them. They should consider adding something in that range again. I still argue they need something in the $30-35 range that will pull in a different group of gamers who'd like to support.


Well he's either right about the revenue share or Brad didn't even take the time to explore his engine options because he was flat out wrong about Hero, which despite some big budget failures is a pretty goddamn powerful tool for MMORPG construction.

So I guess which is worse, not performing that basic level of diligence at such an early stage of development or already starting with the lies. Either way, how is anyone supposed to have confidence in this project
What do you mean he was flat wrong? He said he thought he remembered an issue regarding access to the engine's source code. And there was an issue, it cost like $75k.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
That is a really great average. It shows that the tiers in the $200-600 range are really working for them. They should consider adding something in that range again. I still argue they need something in the $30-35 range that will pull in a different group of gamers who'd like to support.
There was someone who said that the high average was an indication that the "fanatics" apparently had chipped in but the masses are not joining in the lower tiers. Not sure if this is true, but it cerrtainly needs a low tier that gets you the digital game + beta. This has always been a very popular tier with other similar Kickstarters, people see it as a pre-order with a nice discount and beta-bonus for being an early-bird funder.

A tier like that is really a no-brainer imo.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Need to know what the base Hit Chance for Auto Attacks and Special Attacks is before I back.

Tis serious business.


First off how do we know he hasnt researched any other engines? He may not have researched them all but I know he may have looked into a few and went with one that will allow him to make the game on the cheap on multiple platforms to expand the demographic. I know he probably knows what it would have cost to license the Unreal engine again having done it for VG and it probably would cost too much for this project. Personally IDC what engine they use as long as the game is smooth and ploished and looks decent.
Need to know what the base Hit Chance for Auto Attacks and Special Attacks is before I back.

Tis serious business.
That's awfully specific for a project at this stage in development. I doubt there's any way they can tell you what the exact values will be for any aspect of the game right now. It's in pre-alpha.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Last time I swooped in like Sherlock Holmes I told them all vanguard didn't have anything in the game that was being mentioned by Brad's pipe dreams and the utter disarray Sigil Games was in. So the same resounding thud of hands on ears saying I was insane. You may not care, I don't give a shit. I still post the truth.
So 7 years ago? I know women that are more forgiving. Is that your sole purpose in life now, shit on whatever Aradune is doing?


He doesn't want to pay 7% of revenues. Just say that. It's time to be transparent for God's sake) is astounding to me already at this early stage. With that said, I also do not believe him if he can fudge the truth on Hero Engine, on SOE publishing once Cap Ex is paid for by Kickstarter.
Yep that was it. $75k and 7% revenue just wouldn't work for us.
Grats on your continuation of being a stupid cunt. Hows TESO working out for you? oh wait. lol.


I made my pledge and reached out to every MMO player I'm still in contact with to promote the game as well as trying to stir some conversation in the MMORPG sub-forum. So I feel pretty contempt that I've done what I can to help this train along the track. It's going to make it or it's not.

So now I'd rather talk about what this game is going to look like. How will Combat work, is there discerning between tasks and quests, do all characters start in the same locations or do they start in home cities, how long will buffs last, will there be pets/minions, how will the transition between zones work, how soon can you get a mount, what sort of stat system do they plan to use, will all classes use the same resource system? Are there milestones that define a class? etc.


Trump's Staff
Has anyone been pimping this in Vanguard continent chat channels? I uninstalled months ago, but I could redownload it if necessary.


Elisha Dushku
I honestly believe this forum could not only come up with a better pitch for a MMO but lay out a really thorough and compelling design document for one, more so than anything we've seen from Pantheon.

There should be several key tenements and they should be explained so fully and convincingly that everyone knows what you are doing instead of these obscure bullet points that don't explain anything.

There's so much passion here too, it's amazing how much effort some of you guys are putting into getting the word out for what is ultimately a terrible Kickstarter pitch. If Brad put half the effort you guys are putting in this thing would probably sell itself.
You have gone full retard. Don't ever go full retard.

1. This forum couldn't design a game to save its life. We disagree about basic mechanics. Or are you new here?

2. No one would give two shits or money if we did.

3. Brad has been working his ass off.

4. Heroengine sucks; the fact that you're defending it as another means to attack the project shows that you're trolling hard.

5. We all slammed the video kickstarter page days ago so you are late to the party on that too.