Pan'Theon: Rise' of th'e Fal'Len - #1 Thread in MMO


It includes the previous rewards, just not included with the higher amount pledge. Though makes me think, i guess it DOES include the LSUB....
Isn't the lifetime sub one though 250 also ? I think they are making you pick do you want extra early access for 250 or the lifetime sub , not both.

They need to make this a 325 or 350 tier standalone for no upper ones getting it , but lower perks , I'd bump my 250 to 325/350 then for this option. As it is I'm likely just going to side move to change my 250 to this 250 option.


BRAD, BEN! That $35 tier NEEDS beta access or at the very least, access to the forum. It's a pretty crappy deal right now. Honestly it SHOULD HAVE everything in the $20 level. FIX THIS FAST!


The EQ /con system did two things: a color-coding as to how tough the mob was compared to your level as well as an indication of its faction towards you, which was the much more interesting part of the /con system in my opinion. The latter was part of a much bigger feature that entailed the whole Faction-system, the many races in EQ, their many starting cities, and the corresponding political and racial landscape.

KoS races, SK-factions, Bard factions hating Mistmoore, Orcs on Faydwer siding with a particular Neriak faction half a continent away, that sort of shit. Nothing beats opening a door of some room in a remote Inn in Highpass to see a Dark Elf standing there, hoping to /con it and see if its amiable, indifferent, or going to whack your ass.

Somehow I feel that we will not see this ever again, because it requires so much other content and features (like having more then 8 races).

It will always amaze me how much content and features were in Original EQ, surely they must have had featurecreep too, but it does not show. Unfinished stuff, sure, bugs, sure but so many cool features.
To me this is one of the things that set games like EQ, WoW and EQ2 at release apart from all of the others. Essentially just "giving a shit" and really making an effort to include things that aren't necessary but make the game world feel more complete. VG does this to a lesser degree (though I think that may have just been because they ran out of time/money).


- Swimming (in 3 dimensions)
- Doors that work (elevators too!)
- Buildings that contain furniture and appropriate items - Walk into a house in EQ or WoW and there are beds, tables, chairs, food, pets etc. Weapon stores had weapons, armor shops had armor, leather workers had hides on the wall, jewelers had gems, etc etc. Walk into a house in DAoC, OH LOOK TWO GUYS STANDING AROUND FELLATING EACH OTHER IN A GIANT EMPTY ROOM. Some games don't even have buildings you can walk inside, just blank store fronts with people standing in front of them.
- Detailed factions with alliances and interdependences and meaningful effects on the way the world viewed your character. Yeah those guards might be easy money but you might regret it later when you come across their better trained and equipped buddies a bit further down the road.
- Lore based reasons why there were NPCs there beyond just WE ARE FIGHTING THE ORCS. WE ARE HERE, THE ORCS ARE THERE. GO KILL 15 AND BRING ME THEIR TESTICLES.
- Dungeons, villages, castles, cities, floating chunks of rock in the sky, etc all had a story behind why they were how they were.
- Quests that genuinely told a story. Every game has fluff quests/grinding quests even EQ but it's the story based ones you remember.

I could go on for a while but the feeling I always got with these games is that someone genuinely CARED enough to include all of the tiny little details that made them standout from the pack rather than just some shit slapped together to get people to hop on board the monthly subscription treadmill.


BRAD, BEN! That $35 tier NEEDS beta access or at the very least, access to the forum. It's a pretty crappy deal right now. Honestly it SHOULD HAVE everything in the $20 level. FIX THIS FAST!
This, or keep it the same and sell it for 15. If its the game and zero early anything it needs to be dirt cheap for anyone to want it. Better change this to copy of game and beta and add a 15 nothing but the game.


Trakanon Raider
WoW has a color con system, its just better integrated than making you type /con to use it.

I am all about some rose colored glasses but lets not pretend con was a better system than just coloring their nameplate with the difficulty. Or that either system was really all that good, both them were pretty shit at telling you how hard something was, it just gave you a rough idea of the level range.


Potato del Grande
They really need to hammer out one, solid tier system. Adding a few enticing things here and there down the road is great, but it's shifting around so much, it's like they're just using trial and error, seeing how the community reacts, then changing it. When it's supposed to be your final draft, though... looks like they're either lost/confused, or going to be TOO willing to change shit on a whim when people point things out or complain.

With stand-alone tiers, it sucks. KS really needs a way you can buy a regular tier and a stand-alone tier. That way people don't have to lower their pledge to get a stand-alone tier they want and can just add the stand-alone to their existing pledge.


So I'm a 250 lifetime sub member now , and am going to change to a 250 paragon instead. But I'd be willing do add 100 for a 350 paragon + the lifetime sub. Just seems odd they missed out on this being a tier of folks obviously interested enough to go 250 lifetime would pony up a bit more for very early stage development access while keeping lifetime sub.


Lord Nagafen Raider
So I'm a 250 lifetime sub member now , and am going to change to a 250 paragon instead. But I'd be willing do add 100 for a 350 paragon + the lifetime sub. Just seems odd they missed out on this being a tier of folks obviously interested enough to go 250 lifetime would pony up a bit more for very early stage development access while keeping lifetime sub.
My thoughts exactly. I would instantly do what you described above with my $250 backing right now if it were available.


Semi-pro Monopoly player
And as a $500 pledger...the new 250 is making me think about lowering? (That cant be good)

I have the time and wish to help test...hmm....


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
So I'm a 250 lifetime sub member now , and am going to change to a 250 paragon instead. But I'd be willing do add 100 for a 350 paragon + the lifetime sub. Just seems odd they missed out on this being a tier of folks obviously interested enough to go 250 lifetime would pony up a bit more for very early stage development access while keeping lifetime sub.
maybe they didn't? They could still have that one waiting to go up.. I think their strategy is to add them as the KS slows down.. Even if people are just upgrading it looks like its progressing..

Also anything post 500 makes sense for the new 250 tier to be added.


Just changed mine from old 250 to to new Paragon testing 250

Brad, give me a 350 option to keep the lifetime sub. You'd be getting that up front money you need more right now than my sub over a year later on.

( and yes I will genuinely enjoy early testing and interacting with the crew , as a sys engineer for years plus mmo greybeard it's right up my alley, so it was a no brainer to me.)


BRAD, BEN! That $35 tier NEEDS beta access or at the very least, access to the forum. It's a pretty crappy deal right now. Honestly it SHOULD HAVE everything in the $20 level. FIX THIS FAST!
The 20 is for beta, no game. The 35 is for game, no beta, the 55 is for game + beta


Brad, that new $250 level should be $400 instead and include evrything below it except advisor and other stand alones. If $250 was a typo, please fix it.


Potato del Grande
WoW has a color con system, its just better integrated than making you type /con to use it.

I am all about some rose colored glasses but lets not pretend con was a better system than just coloring their nameplate with the difficulty. Or that either system was really all that good, both them were pretty shit at telling you how hard something was, it just gave you a rough idea of the level range.
I think it's more relatable to newer games, as even WoW at launch was very different from what it became and what other games have followed.

In Final Fantasy: ARR, at least at the lower levels, they don't need a con system, because a) there's no reason to not kill something the game is highlighting and pointing you toward killing and b) when the game tells you to kill something, there's really not much of a chance of dying.

The problem isn't in the color of the con text or whether it's text or not. The difference is in philosophy. In EQ, the con system gave you a hint, then had to use your head or gut to decide if it was worth engaging. In newer MMO philosophy, you don't have to use either gut or head, because the game practically tells you not to worry, you'll win or they wouldn't be telling you to kill 10 of those mobs.

People want the hint and only a hint back. Triggered text is the least obtrusive, but it's not about the method of information delivery, but the information the game is designed to give and what that information means. If they want to use nameplate coloring, well, I don't personally like my games color coded and highlighted for me. If I want to con a mob, I'll take the time to do that. When I don't want to con a mob, probably because I already have that information, I don't want the game shouting in my face. It's the sort of shit I can't stand in newer game philosophy. Give everyone all information at all times whether they want it or need it, and then make that information so precise they don't even have to think for themselves.