chaos - that's really rough, man. It's hard on you, it's hard on your wife, and it fucks with the relationship when one person makes the decision to stay home even though it isn't necessarily what they want. I wish I had a perfect solution, but obviously I don't. You guys should read this, it's a pretty good article.
<i>All</i> Matters, So Stop ApologizingAndrea Midgett
Are there universities near you? You should check into their child care programs. Some have partially subsidised programs that serve as educational situations for the university students while providing day care for the kids. They're always very regulated and safe. Other than that, yeah, find a live in, and squeeze the space as hard as you can...
<i>All</i> Matters, So Stop ApologizingAndrea Midgett
Are there universities near you? You should check into their child care programs. Some have partially subsidised programs that serve as educational situations for the university students while providing day care for the kids. They're always very regulated and safe. Other than that, yeah, find a live in, and squeeze the space as hard as you can...