Parent Thread


A Mod Real Quick
He wants the Beats because of how they look and he will look cool wearing them, he doesn't give a shit about the audio fidelity.


Life's a Dream
So, kid story.

My daughter is about to turn 3, and she is still in her crib. She likes it. Security or what not.
Anyway, we've tried swapping the side to an open side in the past, but then she refuses to go to bed. The second we leave her room, she gets out and follows us.

That changed last night. We've finally put the open side on permanently as we congratulated her on finally becoming a big girl. And big girls know when it's bed time. It still took a lot longer than normal for her to go to bed, but she did it. It was constant let me say goodnight to everyone two or three times, then go to the bathroom twice, but she finally laid down. About 30 minutes later, we heard her walking around in her room, and open her bedroom door up. But she closed it again and never came downstairs. It's a proud moment for us as parents.


Molten Core Raider
I'm not looking forward to that. Our kid is just past 18 months, and he can *almost* climb out of his crib. He's pretty tall for his age and he can get his foot up on the top railing of the crib, but doesn't quite have the strength to pull his weight up to where he can flop over and get out. The top railing of the crib is about armpit-high on him, so he can get his arms and head completely over, and get 1 leg up there. It's only a matter of time though, he keeps trying. It'll be a miracle if we don't have to put him in a normal bed before he's 2.


Lord Nagafen Raider
When we first did that with my son, he came out of his room... no joke... 20-30 times per night. Just dicking around asking for random things, doing anything to get out. It was the most frustrating thing we've ever done with him. Hahah.


<Gold Donor>
The very first night my wife and i thought, "you know, he might be too tall for his crib" (12months old at the time, and had it on the highest level) the little bugger hopped over the side and crawled to his bedroom door and started banging on it, lol.

We switched our daughter to a toddler bed when she turned two. She will still open the door and holler across the house sometimes, but mostly she knows it's bed time and she should go to sleep. We also have a gate in front of her door so she cant just wander around. Ever consider a baby-gate?


AssHat Taint
<Medals Crew>
We changed our youngest to a regular, double bed when he was just 1 year old, and he never once got out of it or caused any trouble. That kid has always loved to sleep and is a real rule follower.

Every kid is different. That was not the case with the other kids here.


Life's a Dream
I'm not looking forward to that. Our kid is just past 18 months, and he can *almost* climb out of his crib. He's pretty tall for his age and he can get his foot up on the top railing of the crib, but doesn't quite have the strength to pull his weight up to where he can flop over and get out. The top railing of the crib is about armpit-high on him, so he can get his arms and head completely over, and get 1 leg up there. It's only a matter of time though, he keeps trying. It'll be a miracle if we don't have to put him in a normal bed before he's 2.
My daughter's been able to climb out of her crib for a LONG time now. I had Hernia surgery like a month ago and during recovery I was asking her to climb in and out of the crib if my wife had work that night. She could do it no problem. She just likes her crib, I guess.

Last night we had a little(tiny) bit of an issue. She walked out of her room twice, then like 30 minutes later we heard her playing with the keyboard (piano type) in the other room while my wife and I were decorating the Christmas tree. We asked her to go back to bed, and that was the last we heard from her.
I'll see if she's in the wondering mood tonight also.


Life's a Dream
(ding) (bong) (ting) (ting)

Single key kits every so often. She's a star in the making. Especially after watching that anime.


Buzzfeed Editor
The very first night my wife and i thought, "you know, he might be too tall for his crib" (12months old at the time, and had it on the highest level) the little bugger hopped over the side and crawled to his bedroom door and started banging on it, lol.

We switched our daughter to a toddler bed when she turned two. She will still open the door and holler across the house sometimes, but mostly she knows it's bed time and she should go to sleep. We also have a gate in front of her door so she cant just wander around. Ever consider a baby-gate?
We did the baby gate across the bedroom door, goddamn kid figured out how to open it. SILENTLY.


Life's a Dream
My wife had work last night, so I was responsible for getting my daughter in bed. We did our normal schedule. She goes to the bathroom, I brush her teeth then read to her for a while, then finally put to bed. It ends up taking me around an hour (I'm glad I don't need to give her a bath/shower any longer). Anyway, Natsumi (my daughter) went right to bed. She didn't leave her room, or even walk around in her room at all. She won't do that for my wife, but she will for me. I was happy.


Molten Core Raider
Teeth brushing is the worst time of day in our home. I have to put my kid(18 months) in a headlock with arms pinned down to even halfassedly brush his teeth. As soon as that tooth brush goes in his mouth he just starts thrashing his head and kicking wildly, it sucks. I always start out positive, tell him its time to brush teeth, he runs to the bathroom all cheerful. I put him up on the bathroom vanity in front of the big mirror, which he loves. He's always in a good mood. He even reaches for the tooth brush and sticks it in his mouth to chew on. But man, as soon as I take it, put toothpaste on, and put it back in his mouth its basically Exorcist time, his head would swivel if it could. The shit hits the fan at that point.

I hope it settles down at some point, it's literally the absolute worst 5-10 minutes of every day. He ends up crying, I'm all stressed from his shrieking constantly, it sucks as a pre-cursor to bedtime where we're supposed to be calming down.


Tranny Chaser
Get a second tooth brush. Change tooth paste brand. Let him brush with one and you the other.


Molten Core Raider
We do try the 2nd toothbrush thing, he just chomps down on both and holds tight, not allowing for any brushing to be done.

Might try switching up the toothpaste, but he seems to like it. He constantly grabs the tube of toothpaste and tries to put it in his mouth/take the lid off. You'd think he'd avoid it like the plague if it tasted gross.


<Gold Donor>
teeth brushing time has gotten a bit better in recent weeks, but we certainly went through the hell part. It always ended up with me sitting on my daughter and brushing vigorously while she cried and cried. It's actually easier to brush them when they are crying than happy, lol.