Christmas time!
My son just turned 13 and is starting to give a shit about his appearance. He asked for a few pretty expensive clothes. Some damn expensive sneakers and a pair of Beats head phones. Lets say 1k for everything he has asked for. Actually less than I planned on spending on him, so money isn't the issue.
For a 13 year old, his head is on pretty straight. Does well/ok in school, plays sports etc. He's a solid kid.
He also NEVER asks for anything, past his birthday and Christmas. So when he does ask I pretty much get it, as long as everything is straight in his life at the time.
The issue is that EVERYTHING he asked for, I am against. I so don't want him to get wrapped up in material and status items. I want him to be his own person, not following the crowd. I don't want him worrying about clothes, and what people think of him. I want him to start the trend. Hope that makes sense.
So the question is do you as a parent eat your beliefs, and just get a good kid what he asks for, knowing that he does his part. Knowing it's Christmas, and it's rare he gets what he wants. Or do I stick to my guns and beliefs and not get his gifts and explain to him why.