Parent Thread


Silver Squire
We are avoiding supplementing formula right now, if it stays bad we'll reconsider. He eats every 2-3 hours, sometimes earlier if he is hungry. Seems better with gas today, no real issues. Still screaming his head off for no reason, but I know it isn't farts now.

He poops 2-3 times a day, it's a mustard/light brown with cottage cheese in it. As far as I know that's normal. Sounds like someone opening a floodgate when he takes a shit too, you can hear it across the room.
He probably isn't getting enough from the breast to eat. Supplement with formula to eliminate that or deal with a crabby kid. Just realize they develop habits even early on so if you wait a long time and they get used to being up every couple of hours you're in for a long road.

fred sanford

<Gold Donor>
We are avoiding supplementing formula right now, if it stays bad we'll reconsider. He eats every 2-3 hours, sometimes earlier if he is hungry. Seems better with gas today, no real issues. Still screaming his head off for no reason, but I know it isn't farts now.

He poops 2-3 times a day, it's a mustard/light brown with cottage cheese in it. As far as I know that's normal. Sounds like someone opening a floodgate when he takes a shit too, you can hear it across the room.
We ended up supplementing formula due to my wife not producing enough. At one point she came close to his intake but it didn't last long. As for the screaming, if it's not hunger you can try this stuff after 2 weeks of age. It worked like a champ for my little dude.Pediatrician Recommended Gripe Water | MommysBliss


Bronze Squire
One other note on breastmilk supply, if Mom doesn't have a pump she should get one. It will help her build her supply and will also make sure you have extra in storage. A lot of insurance plans will cover the cost for them.

Woefully Inept

Ssraeszha Raider
Harvard Pilgrim (Mass.) covered a 3 month rental on a hospital grade pump and after that we can trade it in for a home model also fully covered. The hospital grade pump goes for $2000.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Yeah we got that stuff and it cleared the farts up like 80%. Hes still screaming his head off all night but at least the gas is mostly gone. I had to teach my wife how to burp him, she was being way too gentle.

The problem now is overnight he will only sleep in the cradle for 30 minutes before he gets pissed. We tried letting him cry it out a bit, but definitely didn't let up

Gonna set up his swing today and see if he will sleep in it. I'll take anything at this point
Baby did the same thing with sleeping. Cosleeping, crib, bassinet, whatever. Did not work. Only place he would sleep is on me. At some point realized hey, when he sleeps on me, he's always sleeping on his belly. Put him on belly in crib, 3 hour nap. He's been sleeping on his belly for the last year, hates it on his back. We got a Levana Snuza (breathing monitor) because, obviously, your child will instantaneously combust if sleeping on belly. Yeah, that lasted for a few weeks until it started giving false alarms every few minutes.

Swing may also work. Carseat usually did (not in the car, me swinging the carseat, getting buff. Driving pissed him off more.)


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Got a jumper for little Tuco.


He hasn't quite decided what to think of it. I hope he likes it so he can stop skipping leg day.


Bronze Squire
I have that exact same one. Took my daughter some time to get the hang of it but now she goes batshit crazy in the thing. I think we waited till around 4-5 months of age to bust it out.

*edit: Yup, 4 months old, here she is right after X-Mas in hers.


A Mod Real Quick
Baby did the same thing with sleeping. Cosleeping, crib, bassinet, whatever. Did not work. Only place he would sleep is on me. At some point realized hey, when he sleeps on me, he's always sleeping on his belly. Put him on belly in crib, 3 hour nap. He's been sleeping on his belly for the last year, hates it on his back. We got a Levana Snuza (breathing monitor) because, obviously, your child will instantaneously combust if sleeping on belly. Yeah, that lasted for a few weeks until it started giving false alarms every few minutes.

Swing may also work. Carseat usually did (not in the car, me swinging the carseat, getting buff. Driving pissed him off more.)
Awesome, might try it. Its funny my wife's grandmother said she raised all her kids by making them sleep on their stomachs because that's how they told her to do it to avoid issues


Bronze Squire
Awesome, might try it. Its funny my wife's grandmother said she raised all her kids by making them sleep on their stomachs because that's how they told her to do it to avoid issues
They used to think SIDS was caused by kids choking on their own spit up when sleeping on their backs so they recommended that all kids sleep on their stomachs. Then the instances of SIDS went up when they were having kids sleep on their stomachs so now they recommend all kids sleep on their backs.

There is a doctor in Seattle making some promising strides in cracking what causes SIDS so hopefully we can stop guessing.One Seattle Children??Ts doctor thinks hes close to stopping SIDS | The Seattle Times


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
SIDS kind of freaks me out. Little Tuco is at the age where SIDS occurs most frequently and I can kind of understand why. He's getting stronger and more able to get himself stuck in bad situations if we don't watch him.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Awesome, might try it. Its funny my wife's grandmother said she raised all her kids by making them sleep on their stomachs because that's how they told her to do it to avoid issues
Right, we probably all slept on our stomachs. I don't want to downplay SIDS because it's tragic, but dad getting in a crash on the way to work because he never sleeps is also tragic - and probably more likely. Ask yourself if he sleeps on his stomach when he sleeps on you. Most likely he does, because I can't imagine how he'd sleep on his back on you. Talk about uncomfortable. We probably unknowingly trained our kids to sleep on their stomachs just trying to get them to SLEEP AT ALL.


Bronze Squire
SIDS kind of freaks me out. Little Tuco is at the age where SIDS occurs most frequently and I can kind of understand why. He's getting stronger and more able to get himself stuck in bad situations if we don't watch him.
Yeah, it is tough to not be paranoid about it. Supposedly with the sleeping on their back thing once they can roll over on their own how they sleep isn't much of a concern. My daughter did fine on her back in a rock-n-play but as soon as she was on her own in the crib she was always instantly on her stomach. My wife didn't like that but I convinced her if baby is happy she should be too.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Yeah, it is tough to not be paranoid about it. Supposedly with the sleeping on their back thing once they can roll over on their own how they sleep isn't much of a concern. My daughter did fine on her back in a rock-n-play but as soon as she was on her own in the crib she was always instantly on her stomach. My wife didn't like that but I convinced her if baby is happy she should be too.
And how could you stop it once she can roll over? Put stuff in the crib to make her not able to roll? That will also result in instant combustion.


Bronze Squire
And how could you stop it once she can roll over? Put stuff in the crib to make her not able to roll? That will also result in instant combustion.
That actually started happening. People bought gimmicky things to keep the kid from rolling over and they had way more problems with kids suffocating on that stuff than dying of SIDS


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Right, we probably all slept on our stomachs. I don't want to downplay SIDS because it's tragic, but dad getting in a crash on the way to work because he never sleeps is also tragic - and probably more likely. Ask yourself if he sleeps on his stomach when he sleeps on you. Most likely he does, because I can't imagine how he'd sleep on his back on you. Talk about uncomfortable. We probably unknowingly trained our kids to sleep on their stomachs just trying to get them to SLEEP AT ALL.
Not sure what you mean by this, my son sleeps on his back on top of me all the time.