Parent Thread


Bronze Squire
We had something similar to this for all of our kids, and every single one of them loved it. It was their happy place. : Cosco Calypso Gentle Motion Baby Swing : Baby

It's worth the money.
I don't know if I'm totally missing something but that swing isn't a $600 swing. Also I have that exact swing and I would not recommend it. Never swings right and chews through the batteries. We also havethis Graco swingwhich has been a much better investment. Higher quality, plugs into the wall and swings both side-to-side and back-and-forth.



A Mod Real Quick
Kid is still absolutely ridiculous. Will sleep for one hour then instantly wake up thrashing hard and screaming like someone is cutting his head off with a serrated blade. Only the breast can satisfy him, but even then he will often fall asleep early on the breast. I feel like something is wrong but I have no idea what and doctors keep saying LOL NORMAL BABY. there's just no way... No way at all...

At my wits end


Silver Squire
Last time, try formula. Don't let them fall asleep on the bottle or boob. Wake them up to finish. When they are done they will push the nipple out with their tongue.

Woefully Inept

Ssraeszha Raider
We had to supplement formula for our little guy when we figured out that after nursing all day by early evening he is too tired to stay awake even after he fusses for it. We ended up alternating nursing and formula/bottle so that he wouldn't be so tired in the evening. It definitely helped him.


Molten Core Raider
Kid is still absolutely ridiculous. Will sleep for one hour then instantly wake up thrashing hard and screaming like someone is cutting his head off with a serrated blade. Only the breast can satisfy him, but even then he will often fall asleep early on the breast. I feel like something is wrong but I have no idea what and doctors keep saying LOL NORMAL BABY. there's just no way... No way at all...

At my wits end
He's only drinking enough to satisfy the hunger pain, and not actually get full if he's falling asleep while nursing, so it only lasts him about an hour before he's starving again and screaming.

Do everything you can to keep him awake while nursing, turn on lights, put a cold washcloth on his cheek, sing some happy, upbeat songs, etc. You can't let him doze off while eating. Even try a different position to lay him in, if he snuggles up all comfy next to mom, he's going to doze back off. Try something like holding him more upright rather than in a laying position, or even sit him up in moms lap facing the breast to feed.


Silver Knight of the Realm
My youngest just figured out sleeping through the night is rad. We lead him up by feeding as much as possible til about 8. He still boob feeds but it isnt exclusive anymore.

After 3 years and 2 kids i finally think i may sleep again. I AM SO HAPPY GUYS.


A Mod Real Quick
He's only drinking enough to satisfy the hunger pain, and not actually get full if he's falling asleep while nursing, so it only lasts him about an hour before he's starving again and screaming.

Do everything you can to keep him awake while nursing, turn on lights, put a cold washcloth on his cheek, sing some happy, upbeat songs, etc. You can't let him doze off while eating. Even try a different position to lay him in, if he snuggles up all comfy next to mom, he's going to doze back off. Try something like holding him more upright rather than in a laying position, or even sit him up in moms lap facing the breast to feed.
I'll pass it along. I'm not the one feeding and mom thinks she's always right, so its difficult. Already got her crying her eyes out for hours when I told her she needed to use a shield again. Turns out the shield worked and she apologized. We aren't supplementing anything yet because he is eating a bit, but he just keeps falling asleep so we are working on it.

Last night was so bad... So bad....

He's already got high bilirubin so we will see what doctor thinks this Friday when we check his weight again.

I am swaddlin him, works 25% of the time


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Does your wife pump between feedings? Might be a good judge as to what she is producing and would give her a chance to rest and let you fed him.


Blackwing Lair Raider
When our son was born he also would fall right asleep with the first few drinks of milk. Our midwife suggested that we strip him down to just his diaper and try feedings in cooler parts of the house as not to make it so easy to fall right back asleep. It worked well for us.

I feel your pain man, with our first child my wife wouldn't take any of the advice I suggested or let me try to calm him or get him to sleep for the first few months;hormones suck. She said it made her feel like she was failing as a mom if she couldn't get him to sleep or to stop crying on her own. Now with our second almost 2 months old she will quickly hand over a fussy baby.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Does your wife pump between feedings? Might be a good judge as to what she is producing and would give her a chance to rest and let you fed him.
We did something like that, kid wasn't eating enough. Would breast feed as much as possible, then feed from bottle (from the last pump) while pumping again. Lasted about a week before we went to formula, but might work for you!


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I would supplement too. We did because my wife just wasn't producing enough. It was hard for her because she felt like a failure but it's the best thing.

How old is your son now? Bilirubin issues should be taken care of within the first week right? My wife was discharged after 48 hours post c-section and we were back in the hospital 3 days later because the levels kept going up. 24 hours under the lights plus supplementing plus shitting and the kids levels were down like 50%.


A Mod Real Quick
He's I think 10 days now. His levels are just over the "high" threshold, so they're having us bring him back this week for a follow up. They're also monitoring his weight. I've resigned to the fact that its going to take a doctor to tell her that something is wrong. I don't understand the thought process of a hormonal post partem mother, and I don't care to argue it with her anymore. Its just really bad right now. I am not having a good time. I know newborns are tough, but I know for sure he is 100% difficult than most newborns.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
We knew our daughters levels were high because she basically slept for 6 hours straight at 5 days old. Plus she looked straight yellow!


Silver Knight of the Realm
Dude...the baby will be fine. They will want to suppliment and give her untold shit about production and technique. Our two boys were both yellow as shit and had to use the light. Its annoying but no big deal. They eat better once the jaundice is gone. I am positive my youngest didnt need it..we just agreed to it to get them off our ass and leave us alone. My oldest girl was in the hospital for a month when born. That steels you for relatively minor shit like this. Get the light...get it on them for about 16 hours a day and feed normal and tell em to fuck right off.

but you will never sleep again......ever...again


Molten Core Raider
He's I think 10 days now. His levels are just over the "high" threshold, so they're having us bring him back this week for a follow up. They're also monitoring his weight. I've resigned to the fact that its going to take a doctor to tell her that something is wrong. I don't understand the thought process of a hormonal post partem mother, and I don't care to argue it with her anymore. Its just really bad right now. I am not having a good time. I know newborns are tough, but I know for sure he is 100% difficult than most newborns.
Welcome to parenthood! The ultimate test where you will get pushed past your breaking point more than once. Hell, there were times early on that if someone had offered me an extra 2 hours of sleep in exchange for a finger, I'd be typing with stumps right now. Everything is 200% worse when you're tired as shit because you've haven't had more than 90 minutes of consecutive sleep in over a week.

It does get easier, and it will soon.

I highly recommend that if your little one ends up back in the hospital under the billirubin light(and multiple trips are common, don't worry), that you and your wife go home and sleep. Take the oppoprtunity to recharge.

Our kid was in the hospital for 2 months when he was born, we eventually just couldn't stay there anymore. We felt like we were total worthless fucking parents, but we just had to go home and sleep sometimes, you gotta take care of yourself, or you can't take care of your kid when they need you.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Yeah someone told us the same but my wife was beside herself. 5 days and already back at the hospital? Yeah right. She almost murdered me when I suggested they take the kid to the nursery so we could sleep for 4 hours when the kid was 36 hours old.