Parent Thread


A Mod Real Quick
Last night was super rough. He wasn't really latching before, and was sleeping a lot. Last night he found the joy of the nipple and started cluster feeding. Finally fell asleep at 7am, which is of course when all the doctors want to do stuff. Slept 0 hours myself, his scream is blood-curdling.

Also was really pissed at a family member. Was holding out on the Facebook announce so that I could tell people really important in our lives in person. My aunt tags me in a post congratulating me on the birth of my child. I reported her and think they suspended the account or something. Just such a really rude and shitty thing to do

The Ancient_sl

Also was really pissed at a family member. Was holding out on the Facebook announce so that I could tell people really important in our lives in person. My aunt tags me in a post congratulating me on the birth of my child. I reported her and think they suspended the account or something. Just such a really rude and shitty thing to do
Classic hospital stay overreact. Having a silly ass aunt who doesn't fully understand how persistent and open social media is post something you'd rather they didn't is a current parental right of passage.


Blackwing Lair Raider
When our daughter was born last month I would send family a few pictures and nicely reminded them not to post anything to Facebook. With our first child we were not as lucky either and more than once I had to remind family that if we wanted pictures of him posted we would have done it already.


A Mod Real Quick
Yeah I already needed to tell people to stop posting pictures. Unlike my hipster friends and family , I think the kid deserves the choice as to whether his life is documented on social media. He cant really make that choice, so let's all assume no


A Mod Real Quick
Man this little guy is a lot of work. twice now hes blown out diapers and gotten shit everywhere.

Has terrible gas and it is causing notceble pain. Only sleeping at night if we are holding him. Keep trying the cradle but so far 30 minutes is the longest hes lasted.

Anyone else have a dog take an almost obsessive/motherly instinct with the baby?


Bronze Squire
Man this little guy is a lot of work. twice now hes blown out diapers and gotten shit everywhere.

Has terrible gas and it is causing notceble pain. Only sleeping at night if we are holding him. Keep trying the cradle but so far 30 minutes is the longest hes lasted.

Anyone else have a dog take an almost obsessive/motherly instinct with the baby?
My two dogs pretty much have avoided my kid so far, she makes them nervous. My cats were PISSED off at first but one of them (who has always had a papa-cat instinct) has warmed up to her quite a bit. My other cat wants nothing to do with the kid but pretty much wants nothing to do with any of us so that is normal behavior for him.

When I bring the kid to grandma and grandpas (my parents) their two dogs get jealous and try to put themselves between my parents and my daughter.

Thankfully all the animals are very tolerant of her grabbing and swatting when she does get near them, well, except maybe the asshole cat but he hasn't given her the chance to get near him yet.

Woefully Inept

Ssraeszha Raider
argh gotta take the little guy to the hospital to be admitted due to higher than they'd like bilirubin levels. Of course Mom is freaking the hell out. I'm sure he'll be fine but she isn't handling it so well.


Molten Core Raider
That's super common, I wouldn't sweat it at all(but good luck convincing your hormone-riddled wife of that)


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Yeah I already needed to tell people to stop posting pictures. Unlike my hipster friends and family , I think the kid deserves the choice as to whether his life is documented on social media. He cant really make that choice, so let's all assume no
Avoiding facebook and posting his picture on obscure threads on obscure MMO forums is the hipster option.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Man this little guy is a lot of work. twice now hes blown out diapers and gotten shit everywhere.

Has terrible gas and it is causing notceble pain. Only sleeping at night if we are holding him. Keep trying the cradle but so far 30 minutes is the longest hes lasted.

Anyone else have a dog take an almost obsessive/motherly instinct with the baby?
You might try gripe water for the gas. If you are supplementing with formula or just using formula you can try different ones.

Woefully Inept

Ssraeszha Raider
Bili level started at 20.8 and the first follow up after being in the tanning bed after 2 hours is now 19.2. So it's moving in the right direction now.


AssHat Taint
<Medals Crew>
Bros, I think it was about 2 months ago I reported that my son was underweight, and we were starting high protein, high calorie diet. He has gained almost 7 pounds since. He is also just doing a better job of eating, as though his stomach has just stretched, and he just got used to eating.

I can't tell you how much of a relief this is. We've had daily "eat that" kind of fights, and the doc says lay off a bit, he doesn't need to gain this much all the time, just so long as his intake is good and healthy, we're out of the woods. So we're doing the gatorade protein bar every other day, rather than every day, and he still drinks the true moo all the time (shit's crazy high calories of the good kind). We're out of the 0 percentile of weight and into the 17th percentile. Still work to do, but the doc being happy is a comfort.

And it turns out he likes curry. We've eaten curry about half the time for dinner the last couple weeks.

Kids are weird.


A Mod Real Quick
Hoping gripe water works. The kid is in severe distress and he refuses to burp so the issue is compounding.

Talked to the pediatrician and she assured us it was completely normal. I don't think waking up every two hours and screaming bloody murder for an hour is normal while he's pushing out fart after fart.


Bronze Squire
Are you breast feeding or on formula?

I don't think waking up every 2 hours is that out of line for a newborn.