Parent Thread


Phank 2002
Powdered Goats milk is a good alternative to formula too, it is something I used to breach that gap of not enough breast milk and not using formula.


Bronze Squire
Yeah, we didn't have to do any supplementing, but it is super-common and it is dumb to avoid it no matter how committed to breastfeeding you are. We had some family friends have their first kid who ended up not getting enough food and were dealing with the whole screaming baby every 2 hours and all that jazz. They fought supplementing as well but finally a doctor told them they had to. After they got their first good nights sleep since bringing the baby home they felt pretty silly that they fought supplementing for as long as they did.

My wife works in L&D and she says it is pretty rare when patientsDON'Thave some sort of lactation issues, especially first time moms.


Tranny Chaser
My wife works in L&D and she says it is pretty rare when patientsDON'Thave some sort of lactation issues, especially first time moms.
Precisely. Not every single one supplements. But everyone, as in it's common, does it. It's no shame.What is a shame is have a kid starve for pride.


Musty Nester
I dunno why you wouldn't supplement. Breastfeeding is a thing that you should do, the benefits are numerous and proven, but I dunno why you wouldn't supplement as well at need. You're not gonna overfeed an infant as long as you're not forcefeeding it.

America sort of has a titty fetish. It's not just the men. It's also the nurses browbeating women who just gave birth that they're horrible shitbag wastes of a vagina if they don't breastfeed.


A Mod Real Quick
I think our immediate concern as a newborn was nipple confusion. I don't know if that's even a real thing , so who knows. Anyways his weight checkup is tomorrow. Already prepared my wife that there could be supplemental formula in our future if it doesn't look good.

Had a mild success last night. Young dude coslept in our bed. Whined a little but it felt great not having a child sleeping on my chest


Buzzfeed Editor
I only have the three kids, but I think nipple confusion is bullshit. So does my pediatrician, and he is like a hundred years old and has seen like 20k kids.

Supplementing with formula at night helped us a lot. kid started sleeping regular, allowed us to maintain sanity. It isn't a 100% fix for every kid but it is worth a shot.


I only have the three kids, but I think nipple confusion is bullshit. So does my pediatrician, and he is like a hundred years old and has seen like 20k kids.

Supplementing with formula at night helped us a lot. kid started sleeping regular, allowed us to maintain sanity. It isn't a 100% fix for every kid but it is worth a shot.
Our girls were started on bottles in the NICU, only one of them fed off the breast, the other one couldn't do it. She'd open her mouth wide and move her head back and forth trying to get the nipple but couldn't figure it out. She still does the same motion today when trying to eat something big. I don't know if you can call it nipple confusion, but it wasn't a concern for us because they were primarily fed preemie formula, and my wife's milk stopped so they only got breast milk for like 3-4 months.


2 Minutes Hate
My kid is going through another growth spurt. He's eating like once an hour now again. It has nothing to do with being hungry due to lack of milk because my wife's tits are like a leaky faucet. The spice is flowing constantly.


<Gold Donor>
At the hospital for my oldest (5), he has a retracted testicle. It is supposed to be a routine procedure, but any time your kid goes under it is scary.

This is the same kid that had an 8 hour surgery when he was 10 months old for polydactly and syndactly.

Slight chance they will send us home because he woke up with a cough.

fred sanford

<Gold Donor>
I think our immediate concern as a newborn was nipple confusion. I don't know if that's even a real thing , so who knows. Anyways his weight checkup is tomorrow. Already prepared my wife that there could be supplemental formula in our future if it doesn't look good.

Had a mild success last night. Young dude coslept in our bed. Whined a little but it felt great not having a child sleeping on my chest
If such a thing could happen then just have your wife pump her milk and feed him her milk from a bottle. Once that's done throw a little formula in it. That's what we had to do as my son had issues latching onto tits. My wife would just pump on the regular and store it in the fridge. At feeding time I'd combine bottles to give him the right amount and if we ran low then he got some formula afterward.

I'd be more concerned about a newborn cosleeping with you. Isn't that commonly frowned upon by doctors as being dangerous?


A Mod Real Quick
If such a thing could happen then just have your wife pump her milk and feed him her milk from a bottle. Once that's done throw a little formula in it. That's what we had to do as my son had issues latching onto tits. My wife would just pump on the regular and store it in the fridge. At feeding time I'd combine bottles to give him the right amount and if we ran low then he got some formula afterward.

I'd be more concerned about a newborn cosleeping with you. Isn't that commonly frowned upon by doctors as being dangerous?
He has a little bed/tiny crib thing in the bed with us and bumpers so that he can't roll


Golden Knight of the Realm
If such a thing could happen then just have your wife pump her milk and feed him her milk from a bottle. Once that's done throw a little formula in it. That's what we had to do as my son had issues latching onto tits. My wife would just pump on the regular and store it in the fridge. At feeding time I'd combine bottles to give him the right amount and if we ran low then he got some formula afterward.

I'd be more concerned about a newborn cosleeping with you. Isn't that commonly frowned upon by doctors as being dangerous?
Everything is frowned on by doctors as being dangerous. It's like almost every parent's little secret. The first rule of cosleeping is you don't talk about cosleeping - but everyone does it.

The Ancient_sl

I dunno why you wouldn't supplement. Breastfeeding is a thing that you should do, the benefits are numerous and proven, but I dunno why you wouldn't supplement as well at need. You're not gonna overfeed an infant as long as you're not forcefeeding it.

America sort of has a titty fetish. It's not just the men. It's also the nurses browbeating women who just gave birth that they're horrible shitbag wastes of a vagina if they don't breastfeed.
It's not just nipple confusion, it's milk supply as well. If a doctor is suggesting it, I don't see why you wouldn't supplement but I certainly don't think it's this widespread thing most parents should be doing like you imply. How did we possibly raise children for millenia before formula was invented?


A Mod Real Quick
So we had our one week weight check today. Normal weight gain is between 3 to 7 ounces at this age, little son of a bitch gained a full pound. Supplementing formula? No bros... That is off the table


Bronze Squire
So we had our one week weight check today. Normal weight gain is between 3 to 7 ounces at this age, little son of a bitch gained a full pound. Supplementing formula? No bros... That is off the table
If the weight gain is normal did the doctor have any insight on the lack of sleep/screaming?


Molten Core Raider
Someone give me a good pro/con list on having a 2nd child. My wife and I have been discussing it, but we're a little on the fence.

The main problem is, I'm an only child and while my wife has 1 brother he's quite a bit older (7 years), so she grew up almost like an only child, her brother was grown up and out of the house while she was still in elementary school, they wren't close enough in age to really share any normal sibling experiences while growing up.

So I guess neither one of us really knows what the experience is like having brothers or sisters around that are near the same age(within a few years)