I had this:
for my youngest, which is similar but not the same. It was huge, even bigger than it looks. Bulky as fuck. But it did the job. It was nice because for my older two we had a Graco that detached and fit into a stroller, which was nice, but it was rear-facing only. They get to a point where they are too big for a rear facing carseat but not yet ready for a booster seat, so you have to buy an entire new carseat that is forward facing. So in that respect, it was good. But yeah it was huge and had a million little folds and parts and crevasses, which by the time we threw it away were filled with goldfish and vomit. That's why we ultimately god rid of it, daughter did an Exorcist all over the thing and we just couldn't get it 100% clean. The fabric shit all comes off but it had pooled all in the base and smelled fucking wonderful. So we just transitioned her to a booster.