Parent Thread

Woefully Inept

Ssraeszha Raider
Speaking of dumps. The little dude woke up 3 times the other night crying his head off. When I went in there was a massive red shit in his diaper (not blood) and his ass was raw. He ate some meatballs which I guess didn't quite agree with him. The worst part was he was in absolute pain during wiping, so it was a shitshow all night.

You could smell his shits outside the bedroom door when you went up there too.
Our son had serious issues with blueberries. Basically the same thing his entire ass went red and raw and would scream like he was being murdered when trying to wipe him up. My wife bought some of this shit and I gotta say it works really really good. Clear improvement between diaper changes.

Earth Mama Angel Baby Bottom Balm


A Mod Real Quick
As a diabetic myself I can agree the disease is stupid and crappy.

We've been using butt paste and so far it helps, it was just a freak occurence I guess.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Carrots make my kids ass raw but tomatoes seem to be fine with him. We use triple paste on his but, seems to work wonders for him.


2 Minutes Hate
My kid had really bad eczema and that has seemed to clear up but it also produced diaper rash that was killer for him.

He's also now pronouncing words real well. No sentences yet but my kid is way too smart.


Poppy seeds for my youngest when she was little. She can eat them now just fine, at 4 but when she was younger they used to really mess with her digestive system.

It's weird how they grow out of those things.


A Mod Real Quick
My kid had really bad eczema and that has seemed to clear up but it also produced diaper rash that was killer for him.

He's also now pronouncing words real well. No sentences yet but my kid is way too smart.
Our kid has the really bad eczema and it sucks. His mother has it bad too.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
CIO works, no doubt about it. About the only reason not to do it is if they throw up. Then it becomes a goddamn shit show. Then the little assholes realize if they throw up you'll come in and they throw up within minutes. Kids are smart.
Tried CIO with my daughter, and this exact thing happened. Started having to feed her dinner way earlier, to give time for her stomach to empty out, and even then it didn't work.

We now have the bad habit of putting them to bed, and staying in the room until they fall asleep. Just got bunk beds to save space, so the 3 year old up top, the 20 month old down bottom, and we put them to bed, and then stay in the room until asleep. If we don't stay in the room they get out of bed, and come try and find us.

Some nights are for sure harder than others, where sometimes we have to get the "spanking spatula" but typically even just having that around they know we mean business, and stay in bed, laying down.


<WoW Guild Officer>
Alright, let me shit some family drama out (it's mild, probably):

I have a 5 yo, 3yo, and a 1 yo... 6 years ago my mom remarried to a great guy. At the wedding his 3 [male] kids would not give my wife, brother, or I the time of day. After the [very informal] wedding, we helped move all of our parents stuff to a rented cabin (one of three) for the new couple to spend the week at. His kids, along with another couple that are the best friends of my mom/step-father, have all three of the cabins. His kids and their spouses/girlfriends spent the afternoon after the wedding ensuring that my wife/brother/I couldn't find a spot to sit, so the three of us left.

Since then my mom has tried (only once) to have a 'whole family' get together with his 3 kids (and their spouses/girlfriends/+1 kid) along with my family (+3 kids). I've nixed that idea given how they acted toward my [dirtbag] brother and my wife.

Flashfoward: My mom wants to take my 5yo daughter to a babyshower she is cohosting for his youngest's sons future baby mama.

I feel like an asshole, but I told my mom "No. They were dickholes to me as an adult, I don't want my kid having to learn about that at 5 yo."

Also, during that weekend, my wife is out of town visiting family in another country, and (a year ago) I asked my mom to help me take care of my kids.

Am I being an asshole? Am I carrying this too far/long? Fuck those guys?



<Bronze Donator>
talk to her about the situation first before outright saying no, but "no" is probably a good answer.


<WoW Guild Officer>
talk to her about the situation first before outright saying no, but "no" is probably a good answer.
I went with "No... because x y and z are already planned." and then she asked why... and I brought up "those guys suck, I don't want my kid to deal with what I dealt with, since she's 5."

It felt super shitty, but I feel like it's not 'wrong'.

Kalaar kururuc

Grumpy old man
Well, after 6 months of trying the wife came into the bedroom yesterday morning with a positive pee stick, she had one a week back but didn't tell me. It's still very early and we are telling no-one until the 12 week check-up but I'm fit to burst, I'm shit with this sort of secret so need to at least type it out!
Went to sleep with a massive grin on my face last night, and dreamed it was twins (I'm a twin but I believe it is maternal line that determines increased chances). I really can't wait to tell my dad, he's going to puke, he'll be that happy as it would be his first grand-kid. I understand the dangers of getting excited this early (5 weeks) but shit man, I can't help it. Sat here at work unable to concentrate on anything work related, the next 7 weeks are going to drag.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
Alright, let me shit some family drama out (it's mild, probably):

I have a 5 yo, 3yo, and a 1 yo... 6 years ago my mom remarried to a great guy. At the wedding his 3 [male] kids would not give my wife, brother, or I the time of day. After the [very informal] wedding, we helped move all of our parents stuff to a rented cabin (one of three) for the new couple to spend the week at. His kids, along with another couple that are the best friends of my mom/step-father, have all three of the cabins. His kids and their spouses/girlfriends spent the afternoon after the wedding ensuring that my wife/brother/I couldn't find a spot to sit, so the three of us left.

Since then my mom has tried (only once) to have a 'whole family' get together with his 3 kids (and their spouses/girlfriends/+1 kid) along with my family (+3 kids). I've nixed that idea given how they acted toward my [dirtbag] brother and my wife.

Flashfoward: My mom wants to take my 5yo daughter to a babyshower she is cohosting for his youngest's sons future baby mama.

I feel like an asshole, but I told my mom "No. They were dickholes to me as an adult, I don't want my kid having to learn about that at 5 yo."

Also, during that weekend, my wife is out of town visiting family in another country, and (a year ago) I asked my mom to help me take care of my kids.

Am I being an asshole? Am I carrying this too far/long? Fuck those guys?

I mean, if you just assume everything you said as a given then yes keeping your kids away from them sounds like the right thing.

But if this guy is a great guy, he'd get his kids in line. Your mom should care about how you are treated. You shouldn't be having to ratchet this drama up, it should be handled internally. You should complain to your mom, your mom complains to him, he straightens his kids out, everyone gets along.


A Mod Real Quick
My stepfather's kids are dicks (note I did not call them step-siblings). I basically wrote them off years ago. I feel for my wife because they'll invite her to things (baby showers, wedding showers) and she wants to go to bond. She thinks there's a rift and I basically have to explain to her they are all scumbags, but she doesn't really understand it.

She RSVP'ed to my stepbrothers girlfriend's baby shower saying she couldn't make it, and my stepsister basically texted her back and was rude about it. She commented "Your stepsister seems like a bitch", and all I could say was thank you!! She's been a bitch for the 20 years I've known her!!

Woefully Inept

Ssraeszha Raider
Ok so how the hell do you make your 14 month old sleep past 5am? I don't know wtf the deal is but the past week he's been getting up at 5-530 instead of his 'normal' 630-730. Maybe 5 is fine for some people but that is an ungodly early hour for me. Constantly feeling like a damn zombie right now.


Both kids got their learners permits for driving ... the first drive home was terrifying. Either way too slow, on the freeway, or hitting the gas as hard as they can, 10 feet from the garage door.

I know we were all that bad learning for at least a little bit but damn mine seem super special.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Ok so how the hell do you make your 14 month old sleep past 5am? I don't know wtf the deal is but the past week he's been getting up at 5-530 instead of his 'normal' 630-730. Maybe 5 is fine for some people but that is an ungodly early hour for me. Constantly feeling like a damn zombie right now.
Have you tried a bottle? My daughter is about 15 months and she does the same thing. However, my wife will go in and feed her and she will then sleep until about 8 or so. My 3 year old still wakes up at 630 like a clock though.