Not poking at you. Responding to your posts. Don't like it? Respond back.
Congratulations! You're doing just that. It's what I'm doing, too.
Spend a few years as a parent. Then go back and talk to people who have one child who is one. I'm not trying to be offensive. Read as much as you like. Do all the research you want. I think that's a fine and excellent thing to do. I did the same. Then, spend a few years as a parent, and find out that everything you tell other people about their kids is complete shite. Every child is different, and if you have more than one, you'll realise that you can do EXACTLY the same thing with each child and have wildly different results.
But, if it makes you feel good to act superior because you have a one year old, by all means. Continue.
And my lack of logic? Deal with multiple kids. Then talk to me. Yeah, you don't need cancer to treat cancer. You need knowledge to treat cancer. Just like you need knowledge to parent multiple kids, and kids that are different ages than you have ever parented. You have a one year old. Woot! Good for your. Obviously, you're better qualified to parent my five children than I am, because you have a one year old.