I have certainly used spanking, but it is so rare (probably 5 times total), that when it happens, it is memorable. It happens immediately at the time of the "crime," and then it's over. Immediate responses are important in building good habits, and associating repercussions with poor decisions. That said, there are some pretty important rules I keep:
1. Don't spank if you are mad/angry at your child. That's easy to become habitual. If you're angry and need a cooling off period, hauling off and smacking your kid is a bad idea. Come up with something else. You're the adult, exercise patience, and know your limits.
2. If you've already spanked your child for a specific offense, and the child repeats that offense, don't spank again. Try something else. A spank didn't do the trick.
And the food thing - I make dinner. I make it tasty and good. My five year old doesn't want to eat something? Too bad. I'm not setting myself up for failure, either. If my kids make a good, solid effort, and honestly hate what they're eating, they don't have to finish it. But I am not going to make separate meals for my kids. Most times when we have food battles it is because they won't even try what is in front of them. When that happens, they lose the privilege of snacks for a couple of days. They're to eat at meal times, and if they're not doing that, they don't get snacks in between. Easy. They know it.
Generally, once they make a good effort, my kids like just about anything. Teaching them table etiquette is also very important. If they're at someone's house, they need to be able to force themselves to eat enough of whatever is served to not be insulting.
Obviously every kid is different. I lucked out with pretty easy kids. I sure as heck wish they all came with owners manuals, don't you?
tl;dr: make careful rules for spanking, make your kids try to eat everything.
1. Don't spank if you are mad/angry at your child. That's easy to become habitual. If you're angry and need a cooling off period, hauling off and smacking your kid is a bad idea. Come up with something else. You're the adult, exercise patience, and know your limits.
2. If you've already spanked your child for a specific offense, and the child repeats that offense, don't spank again. Try something else. A spank didn't do the trick.
And the food thing - I make dinner. I make it tasty and good. My five year old doesn't want to eat something? Too bad. I'm not setting myself up for failure, either. If my kids make a good, solid effort, and honestly hate what they're eating, they don't have to finish it. But I am not going to make separate meals for my kids. Most times when we have food battles it is because they won't even try what is in front of them. When that happens, they lose the privilege of snacks for a couple of days. They're to eat at meal times, and if they're not doing that, they don't get snacks in between. Easy. They know it.
Generally, once they make a good effort, my kids like just about anything. Teaching them table etiquette is also very important. If they're at someone's house, they need to be able to force themselves to eat enough of whatever is served to not be insulting.
Obviously every kid is different. I lucked out with pretty easy kids. I sure as heck wish they all came with owners manuals, don't you?
tl;dr: make careful rules for spanking, make your kids try to eat everything.